No one should misunderstand - I am not defending the police or their actions, whatsoever. And I guess, if I was drunk and stupid enough to damage private property, then had someone draw a gun on me demanding payment for said damages - yeah - maybe in my drunken state I would assume that at least back in the US - that would meet the criteria for armed robbery.
We'll give him a pass. We'll assume that he was so drunk that he forgot he was in (basically) a 3rd world country and didn't know that a completely different set of laws or values deal with situations over there quite contrarily to the way he's been dealt with at home.
And he has been dealt with at home on several occasions. Public drunkenness, urinating in public, fighting (at least when someone hasn't drawn a gun on him), police show up. There's a pattern here.
That pattern is that he's an Olympic athlete and he feels entitled because of his status, and he's been let off the hook for so long with his behavior that he feels he can get away with stuff.
I bet he ain't feeling that way now. Dude just lost his gravy train ride, and now he's gotta get out and find a job like everybody else. Maybe this will force him to grow up.