AdamMH On my quest to continue to collect more old crap nobody wants, I picked up a TM 360Ti driver with Penley Stealth 70XX...
Par4QC AdamMH If you got the love for the old Penleys, go to their website and look around. They still got some in your flexes.
sdandrea1 AdamMH On my quest to continue to collect more old crap nobody wants, I picked up a TM 360Ti driver We must be related.........
AdamMH Par4QC Good tip. Tough call on whether a brand new Stealth 65X is actually worth 110USD after shipping though!
Rickochet Spuzz That's not a ferrule, that's an 80's workout leg warmer. In 2023 those would be called Pride leg warmers.
LBlack14 Rickochet In 2023 those would be called Pride leg warmers. In my world, we call 'em queer or gay.
sdandrea1 LBlack14 In my world, we call 'em queer or gay. LBGQT leg warmers? LQBGT? I can't keep it "straight".....
Par4QC sdandrea1 I agree. I identify as a golfer, and some people have a lot of problems accepting that. To each, their own.
sdandrea1 Par4QC I identify as a golfer, I tried to self-identity as a billionaire, but it didn't take.