sdandrea1 Typhoon have never seen anyone at a public course with anything other an a standard length putter. Not once, which I find odd when it was so popular with people who didn't putt well. Never, not once.
Same here. I live in a golf community and see dozens of players daily either while playing or on the green behind my house. NOBODY uses a long putter.
And thank God for that, avg Joe would not even know what to do with a belly or long putter. I have a friend who's played golf his whole life, h.s. team, caddied at a prestigious courses. He buys a CB putter (roughly 38") and is trying putt with it with his hands at the end of the grip. I had to show him how to use it, I couldn't imagine trying to figure out a belly, arm lock, or long putter!
Pros and high level ams are going to have OEMs and coaches etc. getting the gear they want and need as well as help getting the right fit. IMO if there is a club in the bag that needs to be fit, it's the putter! It has to take a lot of time and practice to master a non traditional putter/stroke.