
(stopping to catch breath)


(sorry, one more breath)


I'm so happy I just pissed myself! LMFAO!

The supreme court could still agree to an appeal but even if they did doubtful there would be a decision before the season started or his suspension was over. Hardly an emergency. Will be interested to see if they agree to take it up - if Brady goes that route.

ALL Right !

Why did we have to spend the time and the money for garbage like this, should have had it kicked out of the proceeding before it even reach the appellate court.

I guess under our system, we have to go through this idiot route even for the very obvious. Oh wait, maybe Brady was hiding something else by destroying his old cell phone, extra marital relationship ? Other discussion which he tried to protect and could not come to the open ?

are we seriously still talking about this....................seriously? 👀


    What's the matter Steve ?

    Love for the Patriots ?

    It matters because these guys denied the wrong doing and waste tax payer's time and money to try to smudge the action they had done. Did you ever see someone whom fought a traffic ticket in court saying " but I'm not the only one speeding" and got off with that excuse ?

      Release naw, SWMBO is the Pats fan. I'm die hard Broncos and follow the local Redskins. I just am still pondering the massive wasted time, money, and resources. Enuff, already.

        Don't put away the Depends (piss pants) just yet. We're on life support, but not dead yet. The problem is Ruth Bader Ginsburg hears the 2nd circuit appeals and she's not a football fan. I hear the only Justice who is a football fan is Clarence Thomas (great).

        So, Pats fans get ready for Jimmy G. in the first 4 games (Arizona away and Miami, Texas and Buffalo at home). Good chance of going 3 and 1.

        All over 8% difference in air pressure in footballs and which nothing nefarious was ever proven. Incredible. But again, look at the Neanderthal the NFL has as commissioner.

        Haters, get ready for several more years of hating (yes even those who soil themselves easily). Brady's got plenty left even with 8% more air pressure in the footballs as proven last year.


        Similarity in Heldgard's deleting email. If one does not have anything to hide why bother.
        Brady's case is done , stick a fork in.
        No attorney will waste time to appeal for Brady now unless Brady is willing to back his conviction with his own money.

        Way past the time to move on.
        Tom, hold on to your old cell phones.

        News flash. New cell phone technology allows text messages to be read off both the senders and receivers phones.
        So, going forward any criminal investigation only one of the phones would be needed to view any nefarious text messages either sent or received. Both parties would need to destroy their phones in order to hinder the investigation.

        If only (one) the sender or receiver destroyed their phones, but the other did not the nefarious text messages would still be able to be obtained.

        This information may be helpful in the future when trying to form an intelligent opinion on a case.

          I'm done with this but if he only cheated 8% he still cheated. All the grandiose statements, charts and facts can't change it. This made Brady look bad to EVERYONE who isn't a Pats fan. He is still a great quarterback, but as a man, he lacks in character IMHO. Sure, nobody will give a damn what I think, but I don't hate him or anything, he just isn't the Tom terrific in all ways, he has to live with his character not me.

          I also see 2-2 in those first 4 games.


            It's funny how many people give Peyton Manning a pass. There's more evidence against him cheating (PEDs) than against Brady. Also, isn't cheating supposed to gain you advantage? We know PEDs give you an advantage, but there is zero evidence that 8% less air pressure in footballs gave any advantage. Actually we know the opposite is true in Brady's case.

            History will show this case was all media driven based on (initial) false reporting by an ESPN reporter. And the media bent over backwards to defend Manning.

            Using your criteria then players like Jerry Rice and Aaron Rodgers have to live with their character also. But then again the media didn't cover their 'cheating' 24 / 7 for 3 years.

              Sneakylong "Also, isn't cheating supposed to gain you advantage?" Well that's the goal. Some people are just bad at it.


              My intelligent opinion is I'm tired of it, didn't, don't and won't follow it.
              Personally, I don't care (exception to follow) if he gets suspended or not as it won't impact my life one way or another and I have bigger issues of more importance.
              The only reason I might remotely care he gets suspended is EVERY Pats fan I know, young, old, new fan, lifelong fan, new acquaintance or longtime friend, are the most self-righteous professional team fans I know.
              There are greater real life injustices in this world that have meaning and justify more involvement, attention and allocation of funds than what Bellichick and Brady do.
              Coach never does anything wrong. This is all an NFL anti-Pats conspiracy.
              So say what you what, I'm moving on.

              Well you can't say I didn't try to bring you Brady hating reprobates into the light with actual facts. But it's just about over. Even the most ardent Brady / Patriot haters have to admit the punishment doesn't fit the crime, if there actually was a crime. At most it's an equipment violation subject to a fine. But King Goodell saw fit to punish Brady worse than a domestic abuser.

              It has been fun though. Short of a miracle it'll be the Jimmy G. show for the first 4 games. I will remind Brady haters that Brady hasn't missed a game since 2008. And the last time he was out (knee injury for the season) they went 11-5 (but missed the playoffs).

              So as Belichick says, next man up.......


                Well, don't include me in the hater category. I think Brady is an awesome player, as well as Manning, Elway, Rodgers and many others. I was always of the opinion that the whole deflategate issue was a stupid call and a colossal waste of time and money. I can't believe it actually went on this long.


                  Yes, but I kept talking about why we shouldn't still be talking about it......................... 😉