Lowes delivered 140 bags (2 skids) of oak nuggets at 0900. Was done staging at 1040. I love my golf cart. This is what i was doing while selling the G30 driver. Basically i just drove around the house and dropped the bags from the driver's seat.

Awesome! Are you by chance available come Spring in New England?

    Very nice. That would work great for the bark nuggets but probably not so well with the cypress mulch that is wet and heavy. I do my cypress mulch easy as well. I have a young teacher who does yard stuff on the side. He picks the mulch up and spreads it. Easy peasy. I am usually a do-it-myselfer but some things I hate doing anymore and handling those heavy, wet, smelly mulch bags is one of them. At age 69 I am finally listening to my wife more and more about letting other people do stuff.

    KCee Awesome! Are you by chance available come Spring in New England?

    If I hop in the golf cart now and head north, I could be in NE by Memorial Day.......yeah!

    I'm much less refined (more redneck) than you. I load the bags in the bed of my pickup where I buy them, and then drive the truck through the yard stopping to drop them off where I need them. I can't do it right now though - I'll get stuck in mud!


      If i had a truck that is exactly what i would do.😉

      This is kind of nice because i only handle the bags once. I used to drive to Lowe's, load 20 bags on a shopping cart, then load them into the Highlander, drive home and then drive the Highlander around the yard, dropping them off. Repeat 7 times. Ugh. Now I get 140 bags delivered for $30 delivery charge. Mui bueno......

      Jesus Christ Steve...are u trying to kill yourself? Have someone do it. How much to have the truck come with the hose and blow it in?

      We painted the living room, dining room and hall over the last couple weekends. My wife said, " how are we going to to the ceiling?" I said, " we'll use the phone and call someone"


        It's nuggests, so no blowing it on. Besides, I like yard work. Keeps "the old man away*.

        Now painting? Yeah, i use the phone.