Brendon of Be Better Golf talks here about impact and how the 3/4" at impact is the most important part of the golf swing. I don't know why more isn't spent on impact.
At the 3:00 mark he explains the most important part of the golf swing is what the club is doing thru impact.
Internal (what your body is doing) vs. external (what the club head is doing) thinking at the 10:22 mark is very interesting. Science shows external may be a better way to learn. Focusing on impact is external thinking.
Because impact happens too fast too see most golf instruction focuses more on what we can see which is the swing. Which in turn makes the golf swing more mechanical. What this guy says makes too much sense to me. lol
Excellent video if you struggle with low point control.
I like that Brendon goes around and interviews different golf instructors with different philosophies.