garyt1957 Thanks! No, I did not join....pretty expensive, IIRC. I go to Youtube, type in Jim Venetos,
and all sorts of his 2 or 3 minute tips come up. He seems like kind of a strange dude, but his swing (or my
interpretation of it!) has worked out pretty well for me. Like any other method, I have to go back and rewatch
a few every now and then....
...Having read the link, I'm not sure I would join! I wouldn't want to have an instructor bug me about practicing, etc.,
no matter how well intentioned he may be. At 75 years old, I wouldn't want that. As it is, I play twice a week and practice once a week. OTOH, it would be useful to be able to ask questions and get feedback, etc., but only
when I feel like I'm struggling.