My guess is it's going the way of the dodo bird with the younger crowd.
Do you know any twenty-somethings that build clubs?
Younger crowd wants instant gratification. Takes too long to research, plan,measure,etc. to build a club or clubs. They can got to Dick's and have some guy who dresses like a pro golfer and knows squat sell them a $600 driver and off they go. Then they get to be Rickie, Jason, Rory or whom ever...
This is not a generation of tinkerers................
sdandrea1 This is not a generation of tinkerers................
I would partially disagree.
The kids today love electronic bells and whistles and whatnot, but aren't the hands on with tools kind of tinkerers.
Hard to find many that can change a flat tire, never mind shafts in a driver (with no adapters)
I started doing it as a 20-something, but it's more than a couple of decades since. I don't know any youngsters who build, though one I know has changed his own grips.
I was building in that age bracket, I still build occasionally, but I have slowed down with basic death of the component world. I'm 31 so don't lump ALL of us into the dumbshit, can't do anything but type with their hands group. About 1 in 500 of us aren't useless damn it!
I've recently helped a couple college kids who were looking for an innexpensive reshaft. Both used information from the Hireko site and some Q and A with me to do it themselves.
It's not something everybody wants to get into especially building proper frequency/MOI matche sets but there are still kids wanting to learn.
Lots of guys now installing their own grips as well.
Hopefully the ratio isn't as high as you kiddingly say, but for sure you are the generation I'm asking about. Glad there are some around like you that would at least consider working with your hands and not just typing with your thumbs
Good to know about college kids that would attempt a reshaft job. It was nice of you to help them out.
Young or old, I've only run into one guy who did any club work in 20 years of playing. It may be counter intuitive, but you'd think adapters would increase the amount of low level club building. People suddenly have these adapters and an ability to try shafts, you'd think they'd want to try some DYI.
Exactly. My son (31 years old) is a mechanical engineer and loves to play golf. He designs railway cranes for s company that makes one-off custom cranes. In his spare time he just pulled the engine from a Saturn and replaced the timing chains. He has ZERO interest in golf club repair or assembly. I don't get it - he seems like the type that would be all over it. The hard part of clubmaking is not the benchwork - anyone can trim a shaft and mix epoxy or fire up a heat gun or turn a ferrule. It's clubfitting that is the science.
FerruleLace I Might actually be generous in my assessment of my generation and God help the next wave, they will all be useless.
I will share more details later, but I'm teaching 6-8 graders to build clubs at school.
Spuzz I agree. And, they're still too young. I didn't begin "tinkering" around with anything whilst in my 20's (except for women). Don't have unrealistic expectations of our "youths". LOL
I'm 32 and I love "tinkering". Just ask Bob (Bankshot) and good ol' @potbunker. I'm also an engineer by schooling, so maybe that helps. But I know of all my friends my age that are avid golfers, I'm the only one who builds, so...
I'm a 30-something and I'm PCS Class A certified. Have been since my mid-20's. Unfortunately, there isn't enough to make it a regular job. I don't think the majority of golfers (at any age) really give a crap. They just buy a brand name off the shelf and hack away.
They also don't bother to take lessons.
- Edited
It's a generation thing.
No one I know change the engine oil of their vehicles themselves, and no one I know still do the handy works around the house like repairing fence, small appliances change seals for the commode water tank.....
Most golf shops around here will change golf grips for free if you buy the grips from them. But club repair is very expensive, which promote throw away behavior with the low price point of OEM new "old stock "
Pike and Release, yeah, No lessons, instant gratification.... just buy it and hack away. Doesn't work right, don't take a lesson, don't say to yourself," I like the head let me try a different shaft"... no, just dump the whole thing and spend another $500 for a new driver. I was just talking to a person at a local golf store about it...she brought it up saying how she was amazed by it all.
DC, you are a throwback and there are probably not many like you. 20 and 30 year olds like hands on stuff, but not to fix, or improve...just to use... the latest and greatest gadget. My kid that is in his 20's can shred the crap out of a guitar with the likes of all the big metal bands yet when there is a snow storm my wife has to start the snowblower for him. The Lawn puzzles him. He is a master at facebook.
Typhoon DC, you are a throwback and there are probably not many like you. 20 and 30 year olds like hands on stuff, but not to fix, or improve...just to use... the latest and greatest gadget. My kid that is in his 20's can shred the crap out of a guitar with the likes of all the big metal bands yet when there is a snow storm my wife has to start the snowblower for him. The Lawn puzzles him. He is a master at facebook.
That is the unfortunate truth these days, I know 2 guys in my age bracket that can actually do anything, the rest of them look like ballers on Facebook and think I'm boring for not. I'll live, but if their computers fail them, they may not.