Well.... seems that Sandusky's evil went much further back than the latter part of the 1990's, and according to multiple reports - Paterno knew of this long prior to it becoming public... going as far back as the mid-70's.


So begs the question: How much longer can diehard Nittany Lions fans stand behind their "legendary patriarch" given the information that has been made available today? Don't misunderstand - I don't fault the current students/fans for supporting their program.... but I think enough evidence has surfaced over the past several years that anyone with an ounce of rational thinking couldn't possibly hold him complicit to some degree in all of this.

I live within a few hours of "Happy Valley" and can attest to just how this small-town ignorance is still, all these years later, running rampant with Paterno's defense.

He was a scumbag coach who chose football over the innocence of helpless kids, and for that he deserves all of the infamy that continues to surface all these years later.

Those who still defend Paterno might as well come out and declare it is the victim's fault. Paterno was a monster without any compassion for the victims of Sandusky.

Sigh. Honestly I'm going to ignore this thread. Sandusky will die in prison, and JoePa is already dead and has received God's perfect judgment already.

Now where is that dead horse gif from FGI?

Since when does alleged mean conclusive proof?

As PD said, it has been dealt with. Paterno's legacy was damaged and he was removed from the thing he enjoyed most. He was never going to be charged with anything,

Sandusky will never see the outside of his prison. Also, lawsuits and monetary judgements against PSU will not repair the real damage that has been done by Sandusky. I certainly believe those harmed deserve anything they can get, but there is nothing left for Paterno to give. Nobody knows what he knew, didn't know, what he did, didn't do, other than Paterno and God and repeating myself, it has been dealt with.

Since Sandusky's fetish involved raping boys in the athletic showers...very public places... it is almost impossible to imagine that he wasn't caught in the act many times.


    J don't know, but it really doesn't help for the Penn state prez to declare this boils down to "unsubstantiateable allegations". A better posture would be, "We fucked up. Big time. All of us in the leadership. Including Uncle Joe."

    I don't believe for a minute that anyone else couldn't have stepped up. IF Paterno had turned a blind eye or did report it up the food chain and it died there, someone, including Paterno, could have done more.

    This is an offense you can't ignore and wish away. There were many opportunities and people chose wrong. It was on Paterno's "watch", but it was also on anyone who was in authority at PSU at the time as well.