Well.... seems that Sandusky's evil went much further back than the latter part of the 1990's, and according to multiple reports - Paterno knew of this long prior to it becoming public... going as far back as the mid-70's.
So begs the question: How much longer can diehard Nittany Lions fans stand behind their "legendary patriarch" given the information that has been made available today? Don't misunderstand - I don't fault the current students/fans for supporting their program.... but I think enough evidence has surfaced over the past several years that anyone with an ounce of rational thinking couldn't possibly hold him complicit to some degree in all of this.
I live within a few hours of "Happy Valley" and can attest to just how this small-town ignorance is still, all these years later, running rampant with Paterno's defense.
He was a scumbag coach who chose football over the innocence of helpless kids, and for that he deserves all of the infamy that continues to surface all these years later.