This didn't bother me. I think it's disrespectful to walk and interfere with someone's peripheral focus while they're trying to execute a shot. Although he was lambasted for his comments afterward, I can't say that I blamed him for that, even though Elkington probably didn't do it intentionally. Then again, Elkington had a reputation for being an obnoxious personality, which has been confirmed several times since then via his social media activities. So who knows...
Bubba's complicated. Quirky... emotional... got some issues with being socially awkward as Wierfan said.
It does sound like he was in a very dark place not all that long ago, and also encountered some health issues that he's been very hesitant to talk about. Whether it was physical, mental or both - who knows.
He does make the Tour more interesting, as he's obviously an interesting character. And he's an unbelievable talent when he's playing well, who is self-taught, which only makes him more interesting than the cookie-cutter-swing guys on tour who show absolutely no emotion.
Some of his criticisms are warranted, some of them not. But I do find him fun to watch when he's in contention on the weekend.