• Equipment
  • Mercury Performance Plus Golf Shaft Info?

Spuzz. Once he's had black he never goes back. 😜

I sold a lot of clubs made with Mercury shafts. They were very good shafts for the money. If memory serves, they won an award for being the shaft that most closely met their posted specs.

    Dave Tutelman was a fan of mercury shafts I think.
    He used them as examples as a basis for comparison sometimes.


    Me too. They made a quality shaft at a good price. If I had one complaint it was with the busy graphics but they looked nice otherwise. Wife is still using them.

    I bought a bunch on closeout when they went under , as I did with Accuflex. All the Accuflex shafts are gone but might have a few R flex Merc wood shafts somewhere still.

    I talked to the people at Mercury just after they made the decision to leave the shaft business.They didn't make their own shafts and had a company make them to their specs. I was told that the company that actually made the shafts was raising their price to do so by a quite a bit and the Mercury people didn't want to dramatically increase the price of the shafts so they made the decision to just get out of the business. I was sorry to see them go.

      mulegolf the Mercury people didn't want to dramatically increase the price of the shafts so they made the decision to just get out of the business.

      IIRC the price of the quality graphite they needed was going up drastically so it was either raise the price or lower the quality and they didn't want to do either.

      Pretty sure I still have new unused Mercury Performance wood shafts along with some of their other shafts. Pro Kevlar and Niccolite maybe? They did have some pretty good shafts for the $$ back in the good old days


        I was putting out some shafts for tomato stakes last summer and found some Pro Kevlar pullouts.

          Rickochet Pro Kevlar

          Those were a bit stiff.
          My buddy had one in a green CCC painted 9* SMT 455.
          He liked how pretty it was and put it on the wall of his shop for years.

            Those were pretty "robust" lol. I liked that years ago, but I can't hit rebar any more.

            9 months later
            a year later

            @pellmell , do you happen to have the wood shaft trim info also? Specifically, for the Merc Performance Plus? Thanks!