Uncontrollable situations verus controllable situations. We all recognize the difference.
We also recognize when the Tour chooses to not enforce slow play, or enforce spectator behavior. Those are very much controllable situations, but for whatever reasons these things continue to be a blight on the game at that level.
I occasionally play with music on my bluetooth speaker, but have always asked my playing partners if they mind. And on the rare occasion someone isn't fond of it - I keep it off. I recognize that it's not "just about my experience."
I also make sure my shadow isn't anywhere in the peripheral view of a playing partner when he is swinging, and for whatever reason - I'm the one guy in the group looking over his shoulder and making sure someone isn't waiting on us.
Make it a point to not walk in someone else's putting line, will even rake a bunker from a playing partner's sand shot if it helps speed up play.
It's called "awareness."
And so many people have no clue to that concept on a golf course. Or, in this particular case, as a spectator at an event. It seems the etiquette part of the game has been overlooked for so long that a lot of this stuff no longer matters.