I (think) I've only done this maybe 2 times during the entire time I've been playing. At least from what I can remember anyway.
Thankfully it never happened in a tournament.
But... the humiliation is something that hangs around for a long while. I remember telling myself, over and over, that last time it happened, "keep the club head moving through the shot." Because (for me) it usually tended to happen when I decelerated. And both occasions happened with the lie of the ball was really, really bad around the green.
It's usually synonymous with pitches/chip shots from close range. But I actually witnessed a guy last season who double-hit from the fairway. He took about 6 inches of turf behind the ball, barely moving the ball, then his follow-through hit the ball again.
The guy is a really good player too... just a horrible, horrible swing. I told him afterward, "you couldn't do that again in a hundred years." Just a fluke instance where everything that could go wrong, did.
Shit happens.