The PnR forum at FGI was an absolute cancer.
The opinions in that section bled over into the regular non-PnR discussions, and petty arguments became the norm because one member felt that another member was a shit-stain on society's underwear because of his political/religious biases, and confrontations happened because of baiting and trolling. It happened all the time. Those of us who grew tired of it and became inactive there - we know this as truth.
We're better off, as a group here, not entering that discussion territory.
Our love of the game brought is here... not our love of tearing each other down, or partaking of endless name-calling debates, because of one's own personal politics or views on religion being different from our own.
I think Justin has made it quite apparent that he doesn't wish to go back to that time. There is no PnR discussion section here, I'm guessing - because as he learned @ FGI - it doesn't work out well in the end.
When you have people leaving in droves because of the non-PnR topics becoming saturated with petty personal attacks (that originate from those PnR discussions) - that's just not what this site was designed for, regardless of what you, me, or our buddies discuss with our acquaintances at the 19th hole at our clubs.
Because quite frankly - if some of you spouted some of the shit that you spout on the internet, in your preferred actual 19th hole at your club - you might get punched in the mouth. But since you can't get punched in the mouth here... since you have the ability to post in an anonymous environment - you feel you can say whatever you want without recourse.
I'm guessing that a lot of us are more reserved in our own personal political commentary at the 19th hole at our clubs, for that very reason. Because here - nobody can punch you in the mouth. So you feel at liberty to act like a complete ass and label people and call people names. Or call the owner of the site a liberal, when he decides to lock a topic to keep the peace.
Fucking grow up, you political retards. You do realize that our elected officials, who debate politics on a daily basis as part of their jobs, act more humanely and polite to each other, despite their opposing views, than on an internet message board when the topic of politics comes up.
If that's what you want, however, then keep it up. I will leave and go away unannounced, just like I did @ FGI.
You guys want to discuss that shit - go find a place. Send each other invitations to become posting members there, have at it. But leave your political leanings at the door here.
I think I speak for the majority in saying that such bullshit isn't welcomed here.