I'm liking my Matrix Studio 84 shafts which replaced DG 300r flex in my MP 57s
I bought sr flex and tipped per factory
They felt like r + flex and frequency on them matched the feel. 275 I think. I added 4 g lead tape to adjust to a better feel for my tastes. I'd soft step them once if I were to redo them, but as 72yo geezer , I was taking my first venture into reshafting and into sr flex. Iron shafts.

    Provisional I know Matrix shafts tend to play stiff, thats rarely a concern for me, I get more paranoid about spin than anything. I’m thinking of going with the 6.5 shafts and hoping for the best. My best irons ever had PX6.5 shafts, I sure do miss those, but they are also the ones that finished my elbow off, so that’s off the table.

      Par4QC Ideally, that would be the case, I like a little flex in the mid, but rebar at the tip. Knowing the Matrix reputation, I feel it’s got to be close.

      I was cautioned that my Matrix Studio shafts might feel stiffer but used their mfg tipping recommendations anyway since thought I was moving down a Flex.
      Launch is mid , low torque, much like my fat shaft Wilsons, so tip seems firmer than I expected for Sr flex. And play best for me with an aggressive downward loading stroke. I wish I were a little stronger, but thinking they might still work out.

      I just got my Studio 94 iron shafts in for the PING Eye 2 set. 2 shafts weigh 95, 5 weigh 94, 1 was 93 and one was 92. Not bad. I'll match them with head weights accordingly, trim, taper, add tip weights, epoxy, butt trim, grip and rip! Pics up soon.

        That was my take also - very consistent even in the lack of a strong spine. I do encourage you
        to soft step these 'firm' flex shafts based on how you've described your ss/transition/etc. They
        don't feel as nice as Recoils, but they are a fraction of the price. I have both.


          Yep -I got your tip in another post. Soft stepped them one club. Epoxy is drying! Thanks!!

          Current temp is 13.2 and the high tomorrow is forecast to be 19....

          Please entertain us with your 'temperate' findings. 😎


            It only got up to the low 60's today - the epoxy did pour a little on the slow side. 😉


            Too late, nephew, sorry. Here's a verbal. I put the shaft in a clamp and sand the finish off of the entire hosel depth. I use 1" strips of sandpaper (medium-heavy grit) and a "shoe-shine" technique to sand - rotating the shaft every few strokes in the clamp to maintain even removal. Once I have the whole hosel depth cleaned, I sand additional thickness off of the lower 5/8" (tip) using the same technique. I rotate the shaft and reclamp every few strokes and measure the diameter with digital calipers until I get .355. A belt sander might make the job easier, but I like to go slow and try to maintain even removal of material. I test fit each shaft in the head as I go along as well. I always use shafting beads. I have done MANY PING sets this way with no failures.

              I got the Eye 2 irons done today. Going 3/8" longer got me to D0, so I did not need to add any tipweight. That D0 is with 58g grips. They feel good in my hands, but have not hit them yet. These are the heaviest graphite shafts I have ever installed in a PING club, so I am optimistic about performance.

                I think you'll feel and see a difference over, say 75-80g graphite iron shafts. They do 'play' more
                like lighter weight steel shafts (i.e. XP series). Oh... mine are 1/2" over and D2 or so. Now, get out
                there and give us a report.

                  Eguller think you'll feel and see a difference over, say 75-80g graphite iron shafts. They do 'play' more
                  like lighter weight steel shafts (i.e. XP series). Oh... mine are 1/2" over and D2 or so. Now, get out
                  there and give us a report.

                  My left thumb is still healing from a nasty cut (4 sutures). I did take the 8i out just a few minutes ago and chipped a few from the 100y marker into the green just off my backyard. The club feels "normal" if that makes sense. There's enough heft there to not feel too light. The last set of Eye 2 I did had 75g graphites.....this feels WAY better. Full swings next week when these stitches come out.

                    sdandrea1 Too late, nephew, sorry. Here's a verbal.

                    It would be interesting to see how they make the graphite tapers in the factory. I wonder if they have a device something like a pencil shapener?

                      Rickochet would be interesting to see how they make the graphite tapers in the factory. I wonder if they have a device something like a pencil shapener?

                      Probably do. That's all it would take. I suspect all graphite iron shafts start out as parallel .370

                      Razor knives are sharp , Steve.
                      Lucky you didn't nick a tendon. I've seen that done.

                      Compare your Hogans to the"new" Pings???


                        The Hogans have lighter shafts, wider soles and are forged. They feel "different", but no worse or better. Ball flight is def higher with the PINGs, and I'd say the PINGS are more accurate for me since I love offset. I chip better with the PINGS too. This is all based on me spending way more time with Eye 2 irons than the Hogans, but I had a really good run with the Hogans.

                          Jury is still out on my MP57 Matrix set. It's great not to have tendon/ joint problems and accuracy is just as good/bad as with DG 300 steel ones. I was suprised that my cut shaft wts were in low 70s since they were listed as 84. Also that frequencies were 275 for Sr flex. I'd say they play like a 5.5 flex. Probably would suit your needs better than mine, but they don't feel too light for me; lead tape on heads made them better too. I think the swing Wts are slightly too low and may adjust them if I find some one with a sw scale nearby . This late juncture in life don't think I'll be aquiring many of my own club building tools. It's my time to be casting away stones, not gathering them.

                          I bought a set of Matrix Studio 94 iron shafts that were sold as firm flex. I hope to install these in Dynacraft Prophet. I've been to three sites looking for tipping instructions and they all have different guidelines. First question, what tipping instruction did you follow? Second question, since these are sold as firm will soft stepping 1X bring these close to regular flex?