If I had to play with just one iron, I'd probably go 7i. If I were picking 3 clubs, I'd go 4h, 8i, SW. Four clubs would be 3wd, 5i, 9i, SW.

I guess it would really depend on the course, too. I'd have to look at the tee shots and see if there were any long forced carries and see what iron I could utilize most on the par 3's.

I’d pick based on landing areas off the tee, or realistically, how long the par 3s are. More likely than not a 7 or 8 iron would work best. Most courses 160 at a time will get it done.

    DC300 Most courses 160 at a time will get it done.

    Agree. Problem is, my 160 club is a 5h, so that club doesn't work well for me near the green. I would use a 7i and play forward tees.

      The closest I've come to that is at a local Pitch and Putt course. Just a wedge and a putter. IIRC the longest hole is 85 yards. Shot 53 or something like that. I've never tried it again.

        Par4QC Sorry to hear about you bother, I never got to play golf with mine as he did not play. We played a lot of fast pitch softball together for some years. He passed away three years ago.

        Spartan - 1 under 53? Nice!

        We HAD a nice little well maintained pitch and putt with the longest hole 120ish and I was usually 1 or 2 over after 9 (with the wife). And it was lighted! So, there were opportunities to go over there after our regular 18 at the club and play an 'emergency 9 under the lights' (without the wife). The alcohol at the club did too much talking and it made my billfold squeak with payoffs after finishing these martini fueled rounds at the Sports Center. Great times though.

        When i was in my 20's the regular bunch of guys I played with often finished the the season playing one club rounds. Probably didn't shoot more than 4 or 5 strokes over our usual scores. My choice was a 5 iron, but in those days I hit it 175 or so, instead of the 160 I do now. Truth be told, that would be my 5h today, as I don't carry a 5i anymore.

        I have a buddy who plays with 2 hybrids, 7-8-9-W-SW and putter every round, and shoots between
        75 and 79 most of the time! He plays a combination of white and senior tees....claims his back
        and shoulders hurt if he hits driver or 5 wood (he was great with those as recently as a few years
        ago). He's one of these stubborn characters who makes his mind up and will NOT be persuaded
        otherwise. Can't argue with his results, I guess.

        I may try a 7 or 8 club bag sometime, but I would have to have a driver in the mix to get it out
        there at least 200 yards to start with.....

        sdandrea1 That makes sense, play the tees that give you a chance to enjoy it, especially if you can only have one club haha. I would think a hybrid would be a decent option around the trees as long as you avoided bunkers, I see pros use them occasionally for odd chips. I admittedly suck at it, but I’d bet with a little pop strike you could make it quite effective.

        Way back when, I played with a guy(kid) that could blade his lob wedge, consistently about 200 yards and then use it as a fairly regular shot in. He used to challenge people all the time, he’d beat you with nothing but his lob wedge vs your whole bag. He didn’t lose often. I bet him on one hole and won on a lucky eagle, came out of the rough with a wedge and slam dunked it from about 110, he made par, so I never played him again.. I win Hahahaha! That was the only time I had ever been able to keep up with him, so I’m keeping my moral victory.

        It just comes down to what you feel good about I guess.

          DC300 I would think a hybrid would be a decent option around the trees as long as you avoided bunkers, I see pros use them occasionally for odd chips.

          I have a set of Acer XDS Reacts which is a set of all hybrids through SW. The biggest issue I have with these is chipping. The heads are so hot compared with blade irons the balls jumps off of the face and I have trouble with distance control.

            Likely getting top spin instead of back spin.
            Best used when going uphill and out of the ball against the collar issue.
            Otherwise, putter (downhill or flat) or wedge.

              Spuzz Likely getting top spin instead of back spin.

              Possible I guess, but hard to figure topspin from and 8 or 9 hybrid. These heads also have a bit of onset which might factor in to it.

              Not sure I would find my score with 1 club enjoyable. 3 clubs from the forward tees would be fun every once in awhile.

              Three weeks ago I drop to 7 clubsband have been pretty much hitting my normal score with one exception. Played a new course when visiting my son. Ended about 8 strokes above my average. No excuse, just crappy goof on my part, from a no rhythm swing to some really really poor decisions.

              Tomorrow back to 10 club bag.

              Playing with 6 tomorrow. Driver, 5w, 6i, 8i, W, putter.

                Rickochet Eye 2's?

                Nope. PING G5 6i, G2 8i, isi wedge. A minimalist set I built from some straggler heads and graphite shafts. Eye 2s are all steel, but that might be temporary.

                I should add that the courses we played "back in the day" had very few bunkers or forced carries and had open fronts to most greens, so easy to run the ball on.