sdandrea1 Back to the threadjack. I just pulled the grips and Eye 2 heads off the ZZ Lite shafts. Heads are going back to Florida with me next week where they will get the Matrix Studio 94 graphites.
I am going to pull my Eye 2 S and L today. Not looking forward to the smell. I have a power vented spray booth that vents outside. I may to try to get the puller inside that. Or might even go outside in the cold to get the smell outside. It is almost like Ping intentionally put the stinkiest glue they could to discourage people from pulling their own heads. ๐ฉ (best emoji I could find since there wasn't a burning poop one)
Now to decide which shafts to use. I have some FST 115, Mitsubishi Fubuki Z 60, Fubuki 75 X4NG Nike pullouts, or maybe some FST 115 pro stepless.