Bravopilot sdandrea1 Not pictured in your WITB posts? A recent "favorite? They look basic design with clean lines.
sdandrea1 Bravopilot Not pictured in your WITB posts? Of course not. I'm just making suggestions as to component wedges I have used and liked. What's in my bag on any given day is a revolving door. 😉
Typhoon Still loving my pm grind Callaway wedges. Gonna need a new set soon though. Mine are the original ones.
Eguller Typhoon Still loving my pm grind Callaway wedges. Gonna need a new set soon though. Mine are the original ones. Me too - original one. The higher lofted ones are magic out of firm bunkers.
bad9 Original black Maltby Tricpets which changed into chrome M Series and then into the M Series+ which is far far the ugliest version.
KCee I used to love the Wishon PCF wedges....well really just the 56. Love my Cally MD5 wedges, but mostly the 60.
Typhoon It’s weird how you get used to chipping with your own wedges. Once in a while I grab a wedge from our lost bin and it just doesn’t work as well.
Typhoon Eguller You really should do your own 'equipment review' blog, thread, etc. 🏌 🙃 He hits it once... his reviews would be like the old tv “In Living Color”... the “men on film” bit where a movie comes up and all they say is “Hated it!”
Eguller Par4QC Eguller Youtube is where the $$ is!! I can see it now - " Revolving Door Reviews - Down & Dirty Golf Club Junkie " 🤣
Natpharm It's very early (played twice this year), but I'm in love with the Callaway Mack Daddy wedges I picked up over the winter. Short game has been (pretty much) on point thus far, which is unusual for me when I haven't played much.
azgreg sdandrea1 Acer XB Satin After getting used to the rounded leading edge these have proven to be a very good wedge for me.
fatshot I've been playing the Maltby Tricept 52* and Maltby M+ Series 56* for a couple of years plans to change.
TheBlade colej @Stu1961 I'm in the same camp with the Maltby TSW. I wish I could get a 58 w/ 8* bounce. Right now I play 50 and 54. The 54 is pretty easy to open up and hit it higher, though.
Taki27 TheBlade I just assumed that the TSW 58 had 8 degrees of bounce like the M-series. How much playability difference is there with 2 degrees?