ode - what has Jack said about the ball? I can't recall him getting on a soap box and advocating for restricted golf balls with a bull horn.
But what IS interesting is Jack built a unique course on Grand Cayman and even had MacGregor design a restricted distance golf ball for use on the layout. Jack essentially took a tract of land suitable for a normal length championship 9 hole course and built a 9 hole course. He then carved a short executive length course inside/outside of the standard length 9 hole layout. The executive course was played with the restricted flight ball that flew about 60% of the normal distance, referred to as a Cayman ball, and it flew about 60% the distance of a traditional ball.
I played the course with a college buddy while on a cruise with wives. The front 9 was played on the executive course with the Cayman balls and not a lot of fun. The course was flat and windy. We then played the longer standard course with standard balls and it was not a lot of fun. The course was flat and windy. Duh.
The Cayman ball felt like the plastic balls used on a putt putt course and were as expensive for a sleeve as any other top of the line balls in the pro shop. But, I'm sure hicks visiting from Kansas jumped all over the overpriced sleeves to take home and show the boys at the Club after Wednesday night league. It was a great mental exercise, however, having to calculate how far the ball may fly on every full shot tee to green by dividing the distance to flag by .6. After a while, it got really old trying to fly a well struck golf shot100 yards with a 6 iron. (100 / .6 = 166 yards = 6 iron for me) The Red Stripes got me through a torturous round <grin>.
The USGA should have their next board meeting in the Caymans and play every hole of golf during their visit on Brittania using the Cayman ball. They'd come back enlightened. F the USGA.