I'm a " no sightline" guy. I can use a putter with one but not having one doesn't bother me.
Been using the old Newport Tei3 the past few years and I like the clean look. I never thought of the sightlines as a guide in the past.

I'm in the process of picking up a Ping Anser 2 milled putter and it has one in the back...I'm thinking of hitting it with acetone.

U guys have a preference?

    I'm a multiple sight line guy. That's why I normally have a mallet in the bag. I prefer having 3 lines, it helps me set the putter up and it helps me aim it. Could it just be my imagination? Yes. But it's what I like looking at and what I feel most comfortable with. That's how I roll!

    Don't really care one way or the other, but the gurus say that the sight lines help. The new Cleveland putter is marketed almost totally around a "better" sight line.

    I prefer an unfussy look but do like 1 line. Since I've started using a line on the ball I now like 3 sight lines.

    I like a sight line. That being said, a couple weeks ago I read an article from a putter fitter that said that most people tend to aim the sight line left of the target because of the dominant eye effect. I will stress my little pea brain a little bit to see if I can come up with the source of that information, but since it happened more than five minutes ago, it's less than a 50/50 chance that I'll come up with it. For some reason I think it was the Edel site or a YouTube video from an Edel fitter, but, again, that's a guess.

    I never notice sight lines unless they’re loud or ugly.

    I read an article years ago about finding the 'sweet spot' on the putter's face if it doesn't have a sight line. So, the putter I was using at the time didn't have any lines so I found the sweet spot and used a file to create a small notch to help make sure my ball was 'centered'.

    Gonna have to look....but pretty sure sightline on mine, but?? it has these fang like things on it and that frames the ball.

    Don’t pay much attention to sight lines and want to see just white ball, no lines or logos

      Apparently one year the Newport 2 sightline did not line up with the sweet spot which was closer to the heel.
      I think after reading a bit that I might keep the line and see how it works out. One reason I like the clean look is it takes one more thing that I might second guess on alignment out of my mind.
      Where the line is there will still be the groove if I acetone it, just not real noticeable.

      Sightline for a mallet, no sightline for a blade style putter

      I like a sight line. I learned many moons ago that I suck at alignment, so I line the ball up and set my putter to it, then I just think distance control and I’m so much better. Without it, I’m in my head and can’t make a damn thing.

      Tinker they have putters with two white balls on them nowadays, even three!

      I'm a 2-ball guy. I'm a reasonably consistent putter overall, and I've never felt like a different putter would improve my game. It's fine to like big putters, but if you're touting your putter based on MOI I have to ask how you play golf at all if you can't hit the ball with the middle of a PUTTER.

      The 2 ball is a nice alignment for me, especially with the 6ft or less putts.

        Yes....multiple alignment lines, as a matter of fact. 😉

        Definitely a sight-line guy. I have putted with mallets forever: Zebras, Rossie II's, etc., etc. I try to make the
        sightline go straight through the line on the golfball.....

        ZWExton most people routinely miss the exact center of the putter on many putts. Longer putts tend to cause an even bigger miss. Over the years, a large part of putter design has been trying to decrease the effect of these slightly missed strikes.

        My MacGregor had an insert that is softest in the center and increasingly firm moving outward in either direction. Distance control is really good with this feature. The new Cleveland putters use different milling on different parts of the face to create the same advantage.

        So the problem is much more prevalent than you think it is. I'd wager that if we had ultra slo-mo video of every out you took during the course of the round, you would be unpleasantly surprised by what you saw.

          I don't think a sight line does anything for a short blade putter. I use a huge mallet head Mentorsports Triad II. It has a 1" wide channel milled down the top from front to back with a narrow sight line milled in the center of that. I find that my putting is better if I concentrate on the site line and not the putter face.

          This is what it looks like-[upl-image-preview

            With my Newport, I just get the ball in the middle and hit it. I putt great with it. I just wonder if the sightlines on the Anser 2 will be a big deal to me. I cleaned up the insert on the Newport Tei3 after using it all year and the spot on the insert was as big as a thumbtack.