I just let the loop going on and on and ....on


    Me too,
    Ah huh,

    Btw looks very much like Papago in Phoenix, which we play every year
    Another reason to go


      i'd be providing plenty of hands on help 😉

      The course/range she's at is the same as the one in my profile picture ( almost positive )

      Here she is at Stone Creek, also in Phoenix.

        FauxAmish LOL, Papago Schmapago. You can look at that if you want. I know what I see. LOL.

        Release More of a little wiggle than a waggle, just before she addresses the ball. I love it!

          Ummm . . . Wow!!!

          That about says it all.

          Looks like that and plays golf - I couldn't break 100 were I in her group, but she is a keeper for someone...

          So you guys are trying to tell me that you like the new Instagram embed feature? 😉