All my shaft mark tapes gone and mixed up clubs from different sets. So who knows whazwhat. Even at that they played ok. A Fixn to be mobetter y'all . Hope your arthritis is better . Likely Will be if you put the graphites back into the bag ? My Wilson graphite fat shafts are back in mine for now.


    Provisional I think you will be fine with them, the shafts feel stiff to flex and play similar to that feel. I have put a few people in them, the comment every time is “ they don’t feel whippey like my old set”, they aren’t, but they perform. One particular guy gained 25-30 yards on his hybrids, which he had struggled with after simply moving to the “same” flex in the Matrix. Obviously, they weren’t the same in reality, but you get the idea.

      Thanks , whippy isn't good feeling. My soft tipped Ping driver felt like that when I'd get after it. Not an issue with fat shafts in my old Wilsons, for sure. The Bassara that replaced Ping doesn't feel whippy either . Shorting the length probability helped too.
      Not sure exactly best swing wt. approach I should take with my Eye2s and these graphites since shaft wt drop is about 20 grams. I'll check weights & dry fit each one to see . Wouldn't mind a C8 or 9 & perhaps shorten or lengthen 1/4" to dial in along with lead tape .

        Good plan. Remember to post constant update pics as you go along. 😉

        I'll probably start pulling the old teeth today. Not certain if I shouldn't just leave steel in the sw & pitching wedges though . The pw is my gap club and hit it more than any iron. What do you all think?

          Provisional All my shaft mark tapes gone and mixed up clubs from different sets. So who knows whazwhat. Even at that they played ok. A Fixn to be mobetter y'all . Hope your arthritis is better . Likely Will be if you put the graphites back into the bag ? My Wilson graphite fat shafts are back in mine for now.

          Your set will definitely be weighted more consistently now, that's for sure.

          My arthritis is doing better, thanks! I have one Achilles Heel that I have to take extra care of. The tendon on the lateral side of my left elbow will tear occasionally. It swells and bleeds giving me all shades of green and blue bruising. Rest and Ibuprofen heals it. I now wear a brace if I am playing consecutive days. Subsonic, me, livegolf24 and one other guy are playing 63 holes over this weekend at 4 different courses, so the brace will be on! I'll be playing my graphite shafted G10 irons and demoing a set of graphite Eye 2 irons that belong to subsonic.


          I use Eye 2 +no+ SW and LW in steel - the weight is a plus for me for those little shots around the green. My graphite G10 irons have an AW, but I would leave the GW (W in your case) in steel, yes.

          Provisional I'll probably start pulling the old teeth today.

          It takes more heat than most clubs to pull the teeth on those. I use Barkeepers Friend powder and a sanding sponge to shine the hosels back up.

            Provisional I like to use heavier grips on lighter shafts to balance out the SW a bit. I know “conventional thinking” say you are just fooling the SW scale, but all a sw really is about is feel of balance anyway. The clubs feel different, ask Ping why they use counterweighted shafts in more weight up high doesn’t mean anything 😜.

            I have a quick tempo, so weight matters a lot in my world, I like heavy shafts. I have Callaway XHot Pros shafted with Steelfiber 125 shafts and a regular golf pride wrap grip. Earlier in the year I bought a Pinhawk head to try and stuck a Matrix Kujoh 95 in it, knowing that it was going to be lighter and having the notion that I like to make things more complicated than they need to be, I went with the tackimac unified grip on that. I never did get around to scaling it out because I gave it the waggle test and liked it, went out and hit it and hit it well.

            My thought was if I get to wedges, I’d want to choke down on them, the unified grip would be ideal for that. I love the grips, it feels so much more natural than a taper, I wish I had found these years ago. Plus, having the lighter shaft isn’t all that bad when the grip brings the total weight of the club back up 15-50g depending on what you are used to. I learned about the heavy grips years ago from BigDaddy (Chuck) on FGI, he has bear paws so he used oversized grips and 7-8 wraps under them. They were a hair too big for me, but the balance of his clubs was always awesome for me. Point of my rambling here is you might want to try a heavier grip to go with the lighter shafts, it works out well for me.

            Provisional Go for the whole set in graphite. It might take a minute to get used to, but as we know golf is 90% mental, the other half is physical.

              I found that out when I borrowed a 3 iron shaft to repair one of the others in the swamp "set". I'll try the bar keeper suggestion, for sure.
              Play well this weekend , take ALL their money.😎

              DC300 Yogi lives!
              Both sets of my graphite shafted clubs have arthritis Tacki mack grips . Jumbo since I have large meathooks. Never weighed them though but probably on heavy side like your set. Thanks for advice. I'll be asking lots more as the project goes on.

                The tackimac arthritis serrated oversized is what I put on both my pung rapture v2 s and my wilson deep red dist II iron sets.
                They allow much reduced grip pressure and are great in wet too. They shred gloves. To Most good players, they are like vegetable peelers but they suit me. I'm happy just to break 100 now days. Ugg!

                Got my shafts from DTG this AM
                Getting excited to start the swap but didn't order ferrules; oh ... Pings don't get ferrules but shafts look so inviting I'm about almost persuaded to pull DG 300s from my MP 57s. and fit the new Matrix into them this time around. They are low key grey color so won't be as pretty as LBs blue ones. Anyway, Spuzz will approve??
                Since they have firm tip and im low ball hitter, wondering what soft stepping tip cut 1/4 " would do , but since they are my first sr flex irons to try , maybe smarter to stay with mfg tipping instructions and hopefully trajectory will be higher than my regular flex irons.
                Seems like I'm loosing more distance every time out lately . Hit what I thought was an excellent drive for me on tough parr 5 today with a really good line & hard fw bounce so measured with gps watch going to it. Just at 200 With rollout too. same thing on several other what seemed good driver strikes with volvic vivid balls. Calloway next time But thinking it's about Indian , not arrows.
                Anyway nice comfortable day for an afternoon of geezer 9 holes with noone coming up from behind and driving straight mostly was nice too. Made parr on longest parr 5 hole #7, one putting the 5th shot infrom ~15 ' oh yes!
                Ramble ramble ramble , 😐


                  I wondered what those serrations would do to gloves; I like the size, wasn’t sure about the feel of them. Thank you for the feedback.

                  It sounds like you have something creeping in on the swing to be losing distance each time out. I have definitely been there, coming up way short on everything, turned out I was hitting “to the ball, not through”, once I made sure I wasn’t targeting the back of the ball, boom right back to normal. Might be something similar for you, might be that you need all new clubs to get that swing back where it belongs 😜.

                  On the soft stepping 1/4”, I wouldn’t be shy to give it a shot, I have built some demo clubs that I leave a little extra on the butt end to ensure I have the length I was in a finished club in case I need to tip it more. If not, blow the grip off and finish the set to length. I put a little tape on the grip to represent proper length and choke down accordingly. Doesn’t bother me, but I know some people grip right to the end of the club so YMMV. Good luck!

                    DC300 Thx for the comments
                    The serrated grips not for everyone but if you had an iron set for wet days that would work .
                    There's a reason they refer to me as a hacker. I'm chopping not swinging . I'll try changing my mind set and try getting through the ball to a longer finish next time out. Flexibility is second thing to go, don't ask about the first .
                    Your idea about new clubs seems good though.
                    I don't have a shaft puller , just use home made pry bar so I'd probably ruin graphite shafts pulling them if they needed re tipping . On steel it works fine though . At this life stage I'm not thinking of investing/ aquiring lot of club building tools. Let's see: puller, swing scale, better wt. scale, bender, frequency meter, Better regripping tools. Problems problems problems

                    No local fitters around that I've found yet either & too cheap to be sending clubs back & forth here & there.
                    "It's a process" Tiger says.😁

                    Started with 5 iron today with mfg tipping chart 1" cut then
                    Butt cut to 38 1/4 " assembled , which gave me plus 1/4 " over the steel assembled length.
                    SW estimated C7 w/o tip wt, C9 with 2g. Shaft was 70g cut . The stock steel shafted club calculated swing wt was D1.6
                    Waiting for correct ferrules from DTG
                    Man, thought I might expoxy it up.
                    Feel change with about 60 g wt drop should be telling😄 Hoping the reshaft allows less swing effort and Sr flex little higher trajectory.

                    Provisional changed the title to Mizzys > Matrix Studio 84 reshaft .

                    My cut and tipped shaft turned out 70g, a lot lighter than I hoped / expected. I am afraid swing wt is too low now, so I ordered some tip wts. I'm trying to get to C7 to 9 range for the set. Thinking I'm in over my head... I thought I'd just put them together and add a little lead tape to heads, but now it'll be more than just a little .