Do your research. Find out the number of gun-related homicides in gun-free zones comprising LA, NY, Chicago in 2017 to current and compare that to the number of innocent people who are killed (accidentally) because of irresponsible gun ownership. Then get back to me.
And make no mistake - gun ownership should come with enormous responsibility. I'm not suggesting that those instances shouldn't be considered. What I am saying is that an overwhelming majority of legal gun owners in this country are like me... they keep their firearms secure. They went through an extensive background check process. And above all else - they don't leave their firearms out where kids or others can have access to them. And in those instances where these type of accidental tragedies happen - yes - hold the gun owner solely responsible! Put him in front of a judge, afford him his rights, and give him an opportunity to prove why he should never again be allowed to purchase a firearm of any sort!
I've no problem with that whatsoever. Owning a firearm comes with responsibilities!
But keep in mind that the media these days aren't going to paint a rosy picture. They're going to promote their biased agendas. Which is why it is completely foolish to take anything that they "report" remotely accurate.
I trust the media about as much as I trust the fucking meth dealer in downtown Allentown. And guess what - despite numerous run-ins with the law, despite a criminal rap sheet that takes no fewer than 40 pages to detail - you can bet your sweet ass he has a gun in his house.
Yet I shouldn't. LOL...
And although I do appreciate you considering me an exception to the norm, I don't personally feel that I am. š