The tentacles of the FBI's investigation haven't even begun to reach out yet. Adidas was first, now (as of today) they're announcing that Nike's AAU league is also part of the investigation.
I suspect there will be numerous other programs/coaches involved in this. To what extent - who knows.
I'm guessing this will continue to play out over the coming months, as those looking at serious federal indictments with the likely result of significant prison time start bargaining for plea deals in lieu of selling out other programs and coaches. So I don't think this investigation is remotely over, and I think there will be other programs involved, especially when the evidence starts to mount and there's no other choice but to cooperate.
And dare I say that this might go beyond college hoops... this could easily meander into college football too.
This is a huge problem for the NCAA, too. You're not gonna convince me that some at the highest echelon of collegiate sports weren't aware of what was happening.
This is gonna get pretty messy, me thinks.