I don't know if many of you watched any of the action from the US AM last week, but it was very entertaining. And too - with Riviera as the host course - it's an added enjoyment to see how these young players tackle a big-boy setup. Every now and then these young fellas hit a squirrely shot, but overall they have some serious talent, and it wouldn't surprise me if a couple of them turn out to be pretty good players at the next level.

The Ghim vs Redman finals match was as good as any golf I've watched on tv this year... Redman was 2-down with only 2 to play, then goes eagle-birdie to take it to an extra hole, where he'd go on to win and steal the title away from Ghim. It was a fabulous match!


It's worth noting that the amateurs were permitted to use laser range finders to acquire yardages, and the pace of play was noticeably improved. I know this will antagonize the traditionalists, but maybe it's time to embrace this aspect of technology?

I personally don't think it's a bad thing.


I think the USGA used the Amateurs as a case study. I personally don't see an issue with it, even at the pro level.

Whatever can be done to shorten a 5-hours-and-30-minutes example, in my mind, wouldn't be the worst thing. Might be time that the PGA Tour allow the use of measuring devices.

I mean, if we're embracing 340-yard driving distances and balls that go straight and can stop on-a-dime from 3-4 inches of thick rough - what is there to lose really?


    Jordan would have had his claret jug 30 minutes sooner...! 😊
    I see no problem with it. Speeds up play. Might save a few caddies jobs too. There's no good reason why, from the middle of the fairway, a player should be penalized if his caddy can't give him the right number. He's paying the price for something that isn't his fault, and he'd doing this for his living. Wouldn't bother me any if they could use them...



      Then all we really need at the Pro level is a robot with built-in gps, ai, and range finder to hit the ball. Just take out the human element altogether. If Jack Nicklas could win the tournaments he won without the help of gizmos what is wrong with the current crop of pros???

      They've been coddled for far too long. Huge purses they're competing for... no Monday qualifying for those that didn't make the cut the week prior. And the PGA Tour consistently assuming that the niche viewers of the sport don't mind 6-hour rounds on Sunday....

      Even with the DVR function at my disposal - I couldn't care less about the non-major events. Which includes the Players Championship, which has become a 5-hour-and-30-minute debacle.

      I've got better things to do than spend a Sunday afternoon fast-forwarding through the mindless drivel and trivial bullshit on a typical PGA Tour final-round event, which even with the use of DVR takes too much time to sort through.

      Whatever they can do to (1) shorten the final rounds of tournaments and (2) perhaps shorten the season to where I'm not personally experiencing PGA Tour tournament fatigue following the last major of the season - I would be all for.

      The bottom line is that most of the high-profile players are making so much money that they don't really care if they're in the mix on Sunday. That aspect, and the fact that it takes them nearly 6 hours to play a round of golf (as threesomes no less!) hasn't added to my personal interest level whatsoever. Like Rory McIlroy is somehow motivated to suddenly play golf 3 out of the following 4 weeks to add another 10 million to his bank account....

      But the amount of time it takes these knuckleheads to play isn't helping matters as it relates to garnering more viewers. And I'm not inferring that allowing measuring devices will change that, by any means. But if it should - that wouldn't be the worst thing.

      The players today playing have it sooooo much better than the guys playing just 20 years ago. And that, imo, hasn't added very much to the excitement factor as it relates to the occasional viewer tuning in on Sunday.

      There just ain't that much there to get all fired up about. And, quite frankly, not sure how much that would change even if they played in 4:30 versus 5:30 on Sunday. But... that would seem to be an obvious starting point for the tour brass to address.

        PA-PLAYA - so, it is safe to assume you would be against guaranteed appearance money to beef up the strength of the field for most events? 😁