sdandrea1 you got it, reality is I know there will be rds where I'm off a little and GIR will suffer, gotta play the shots that will work and.give best up and down chance!

PS how'd u quote?

    State of my game, It exists….. Just call me Chip-n-Putt….

    At 69 I am still managing to post an 80 plus or minus 4 routinely on course of 6000 or less. Best news is that my game travels, actually travels better than my at home game, go figure.

    10 months into reworking my golf swing, it is still a work in progress; but I am gaining some distance and quite a bit of consistency. Best of all the new swing is Body Friendly; hip, leg and back are not a problem unless I do something stupid. I did make a change to the grips I have on my clubs, went to the Winn Master Wrap. These grips are responsible for much of my increase in distance and consistency. Not that a grip is magic, but these grips often described as a bit spongey have made me reduce tension and smooth out my rhythm/tempo. Plus is help with the arthritis in my fingers to have a good pain free grip.

    My goal for the year, starting last October was to have a consistent repeatable and predictable golf swing, one with maybe some distance of past years. Not sure I am going to make it, but I have a better game today than of yesterdays.


    The Hobbit's going to be jealous. Now he'll be the only one with the rifle speed swing. 😊

    Much better than I deserve. I am enjoying my age 53 golf, although I have shot higher than 80 twice this year, that was a bad week. 😬

    ode PS how'd u quote?

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    Hitting it stupidly good....Simplified a lot of thoughts and got it down to a couple swing keys. I came up with a preshot putting alignment thing last year, worked on it all winter, and what's funny is this year I notice all the tour pro's doing it. This year I'm lights out. Since July 2016 my worst round is even par. Last week I had 2 rounds of 62 and a 57 on a par 70 course. Can't explain it...just nice to simplify and have it work.

    My rounds year to date are down over more than a 1/3 from my normal spring/summer. I'm healthy and really enjoy the game when I'm out on the course, I just have lost the lust of getting out there for whatever reason(s). Even so, my handicap index has dropped and trending down from 14.5 to near 13 and I have been pleased with straight tee balls and keeping the ball in play.

    I have a couple of tournaments coming up and on shorter courses (6000 or less) playing a shamble format I should be in the to mid-70's. The competitive 'juice' is starting to flow - I can feel it πŸ‘Š

    Pretty good right now. Driver is consistently finding shorter grass, although not as far out as I'd like. Moving to Sr. tees has been a boon to the scoring though. 77-83 is the norm on any given course, so far, and I try to play a lot of different ones in the area. Trying to eliminate 'the crutches' in the bag(hybrids) by throwing in irons I haven't tried to hit for a few years....and it's starting to work. May throw the 4i in the bag this weekend to see if I can hit it. Never could before, but, delusions of grandeur has set in.πŸ€“ Took the possessed 3 wd. out; it had a tendency to hit itself from the heel with a wicked left to right trail; which was fine from the right side of the fw. From the left side of the fw I was having to bill the course for treetopping services! The 5 wd. is doing well with it's behavior, but not as long as it should be/could be. Putter seldom sees the number 3, and often only number 1, due in part to a nicely behaving wedge.

    The best part is the hitting of irons again. I(seriously) was using a 25* hybrid from as close as 100 yds. due to not being able to hit even an 8i that far. Even though I got good at it, I still hated not being able to use irons as they should be used. Basically was only using a wedge, hybrids and woods. I scored, but the taste was wrong. It just got to the point that I did not know how to hit the irons at all. Shanks or slices was the result. Just decided that I am better than that. Time will tell.....ongoing process for this season.

      Thanks to help of advice from friends here, a new playing partner, more suitable equipment , weekly outings, I believe I have met my goal for the year of improving scores from mid to upper 90s down to to bumping into upper 80s. Took up golf too late in my life and with too little time to devote to hope to become really adept, which wasn't my goal. I only planned exercise & recreation. I
      discovered it provides more satisfaction with improved play however and that improvement is my motivation now.
      At 72, age , injuries take their toll , but I intend to fight to continue to hold on to or improve on it , so I can enjoy this stupid game as long as I can.
      Fairways & Greens y'all

      Par4QC I scored, but the taste was wrong. It just got to the point that I did not know how to hit the irons at all

      I feel your pain. I use up to a 6h on occasion but am too stubborn to admit that I can no longer hit a 4, 5 or 6 iron and I keep trying. As I stated earlier, on par 4s, I go driver, some club (FW or hybrid) to get me near the green and then chip and putt for par or bogey. I miss the days of hitting a 5 iron onto a green from 170 yards out, but they are gone.

        sdandrea1 I could never hit a 5i. And I mean ANY 5, from any set, any shaft. Never! Could hit a 4 or 6 easily, but the 5 would always be a slice, for whatever reason. Got to the point I just left it out of the bag. Last 2-3 yrs. I've been unable to hit any iron above PW decently, so I just kind of gave it up with them and used that 25* hybrid, choked down. Got damn good at it, but just want to hit irons again. It's coming along OK, but do get scared when the score is low and afraid of a mishit. Had a few proud moments last weekend with the 9 that built a bit of confidence. Nothing like looking at a pitch out, saying 'screw it', then shooting over a 80'+ tree while standing 40' from it, while going for the green......and nailing itπŸ˜‰

          State of my game is so bad I took a month off hoping that will help it. I can't remember when I took a month off from golf. It has to be over 20 years or so. I went out and played with my wife a couple of weeks ago and we played a two person scramble. I think I helped her 2 or three shots and we ended up shooting 75 and the following time we shot 72 and I was once again little help. I am really happy that she is playing this well, but it shows me how bad my game right now. I am playing army golf with my driver, most of the time taking two extra clubs on fairway shots and coming up short. My hybrids which are my best feature are also less than stellar. So I feel this month it is a good time to just stop playing. Another reason is the first two weeks of August the temps here in Oregon where I live range from 101 to 114 every day over 100* F. At my age there is no way I can go out and play 18 holes while walking. I refuse to take a cart.

          I'm in my typical spot of having 2 parts of the game working and one not. Off the tee I'm crushing the ball, irons are a hot mess and short game is solid if not really good. My last round I played 7 holes with the family and the only holes I didn't par were two that I played the wrong club off the tee and found water.. didn't think I could reach the water, I was proved wrong. For me that's a solid outing. Knowing the holes I skipped, I usually play them at level par with a bogey on the dog leg right ( though sometimes I cut the damn corner right) and then a par/ birdy on the dog leg left par 4, driver usually puts me a chip and a putt a way. so had all thing left come to the norm, I should have shot 40 for the 9, had I been smarter, down in the 38 range.

          One thing I have learned, I need to quit thinking about it and buy the single length irons. I built the 5 iron, still yet to really pure it on course, but when I actually get down on it at the range ( I keep standing up a little through the irons), it's red great. The nice part is I haven't hit it well and all the results have been really acceptable, some even really good considering the contact. The Pinhawks are going to be in my bag soon, I just need to make the time to get them there.

          Unfortunately for me I still have some ego, but like you I seem not to have the ability to play good golf. I am hoping I can come back in September and start hitting the ball better and just enjoy the walk much more.

          Bigborgel I don't have any ego anymore, and I don't have any ability either...

          Well, shit..........

          Wife and I just finished 18 holes at Swan Point Yacht and CC. SWMBO brings out my best. I played the Gold tees at 5500 yds which allows me to hit more GIRs. The new wedges and putter were hot and my longest iron shot was with a 6i. Carded a 73 with 3 birdies and 4 bogies. Best round ever at that track and the card goes into the keepsake box! The state of my game was better today. πŸ˜€