My heart goes out to the Feherty family.

Four days ago, one of my son's high school friends overdosed and died down in Florida. It's an all-too-familiar theme today, with addiction claiming far too many lives. And as a parent - you feel helpless and hopeless. It is a degree of desperation that no parent should ever be faced with.

Sad news. Depression, addiction and other mental problems are devastating things.

Addiction, be it alcohol, street drugs or pain-killers take way too many young lives from us, much too soon.

    Bigborgel Addiction, be it alcohol, street drugs or pain-killers take way too many young lives from us, much too soon.

    Prescripts and heroin seem to be everywhere. One county in Eastern KY had 88,000 scripts written last year for opioids. There are only 22,000 people in the entire county. There seems to be at least one heroin OD death on local news every morning. I think one batch was laced with elephant tranquilizer.

    Last year HBO had a show on about heroin addiction up on Cape Cod MA. (where I'm original from). They were all young addicts and the way the show was done told their stories thru interviews and then at the end showed how they ended up. Several ended up dead.

    What I got out of it was using heroin is like Russian roulette. Also, to me it was clear the one's that died were basically committing a slow suicide. What's changed is heroin is so cheap now. Addiction is a hideous disease. One from which you never fully recover. That's why they call it 'in recovery'. And you'll be in recovery every day for the rest of your life.

      Sneakylong What's changed is heroin is so cheap now.

      I also have mixed feelings about needle exchanges.

        Rickochet I hear you on that, but I look at it as something similar to the baskets of condoms around college campus'. You can't stop them, but you might be able to at least stop the spread of disease. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. Better than more cases of AIDS, Hep etc? Yes.

        I could go into a long over thought speech about my feelings on trying to fix/help/save everyone from everything, but that gets out of hand quickly. Offering help and helping save those who do make it out the other side is the important part of the addiction world, so as bad as giving them needles may be, it's better than the alternative death sentence.

        That's awful, so sad for the family.