Happy weekend guys and gals. I'm testing out a new feature and I'd love your feedback.

When you look at the list of topics now, you will see an except of the post below the title. It extends the page a bit, but give you a teaser of the topic before clicking on it.

I've got it set to show 1 line of summary right now but I can also extend that to 2 lines to show more text.

What do you guys think?


Sorry. Tried that (homepage and the individual forums) even mousing over. Nada.

jrock You don't? Just go to the homepage or any category page.

Noe here too.

Maybe I'm no doing it right, I don't see the feature either.

Wow bizarre. I'm seeing it when I'm logged in or not logged in. So you guys aren't seeing this on the home page?

image /assets/images/0-1-TBPkteMuGchc92eU.jpg

    Works for me,looks a little light but readable.

    I see it. How many of you that don't are on phones? Doesn't work from my phone.


      No sir.
      Even switched browsers.
      Neither Firefox or Chrome, logged in or not.
      It's the weekend. Maybe my laptop is taking a downer.

      How great am I as a tech wizard.?!
      I did nothing and it works.
      LIKE IT! Thanks JRock! A great feature

      I love that feature, saves the time of clicking on a thread you have no interest in. Sometimes titles only are misleading.

      See them now. Whatever you did between yesterday and today now works for me. Thanks...