Something else to consider would be a hybrid reshafted with steel, cut to iron length, and weighted appropriately. I've always modified my hybrids to play at 3i length with excellent results. Currently have a Mizuno JPX 850 hybrid with an 85g graphite iron shaft and a tip weight. Also have a JPX 825 with a PX 6.0 in steel that I enjoyed a great deal, replaced for no good reason.
I'm a strong hitter, and I might hit the 850 too far. Could get 230 out of the 825 on the ground or 248 off the tee (very specific as I laid up to a bunker at 250 multiple times and got beautifully close without going in.) Drew the 850 across the front of the trap and beyond it last time. Yikes.
So, in summary, hybrid built to iron spec may be a fun option, especially if you already have a head around. Steel is cheap!