Nah, Kaepernick will be there shortly and they will be fine. Brock was in no way shape or form worth the contract he got, but good for him! Where they really screwed the pooch was not getting Tyrod Taylor last year for a more than reasonable contract and an opportunity to compete for the job.. Now life is more difficult, but I think they will fill the hole and be ok.
Up The Creek...
I need to re-evaluate my thinking, I judge by character and results. Never thought to consider looks only.
Thanks for Trevathan, he will help the Bears at LB.
As somebody else stated in another thread, the Broncos will probably have a better chance at getting RGIII than Kaepernick.
Wonder how RG III likes mountains, cold weather and medicinal weed???
RGme and Kaepernick are essentially the same QB model. A skinny and fragile running back who can outrun you while feigning the ability to throw a pass every once in awhile. The Broncos might be best served getting them both, and Tebow back as well, and cutting all their running backs, and utilizing 2 or 3 of these guys on every play. Run a modified wildcat with these guys and make it a real wildcat where a pass or run with any of these guys could happen on every play.
This is how comical I see this debate heading. Sure, call Brett Favre while you are at it.
- Edited
Very sorry to see Peyton, Brock and others leave. But, my Broncos won the Super bowl so I will accept the rebuilding.
That is the business side of the sport and winning.
Anything is better than the Tebow era.
New rumor. Sam Bradford to Denver.
Mark Sanchez is the new Broncos QB
brsmith Is Elway smoking some medicinal weed???
I think his ego is even bigger than his playing days.