• Buy/Sell
  • Two sets of iron heads for sale - SOLD

Steve, thanks, unfortunately something has come up and the extra slush fund is gone. I will have to pass.

    Steve, any interest in a trade? I have a nice Ping i20 hybrid and a new Adams hybrid. I'm out of town until Monday so can't give you more specifics until then. I do want to either trade or possibly buy the heads but if someone else wants them don't hold them for me.


      I'd prefer cash over those 2 hybrids, Gary. Let me know.

      They're not shafted anymore, but the heads are yours if you want them. Cash or reverse the trade?

        sdandrea1 changed the title to Two sets of iron heads for sale - cheap .
        sdandrea1 changed the title to Two sets of iron heads for sale - SOLD .

        Hey Jeff, I need your mailing address!