Ever heard of one? Seen one? Played one? I picked up one off ebay this week for $20, well worth a try. Granted the adjustments are only Draw, Fade or Neutral, but what more would you expect? But I'm here to tell you. This is a real, big time driver! Left it in the Draw setting and repeatedly hit nice, high draws, averaging around 250-260. The bright red head took some time to get used to. And the white Graffaloy Blue stiff shaft is the perfect match for this bomber. Very impressed!

So anyone else play one of these bad boys before? Tell me what you think about them.


    I never saw the adjustable version. Top Flite clubs get a bad rap as being a DSG low end brand, but I gamed their wedges a lot (52 &56) and they work. Not surprised to hear the driver does too.

    VaughnRoss Most OEM drivers have more loft than what is stamped on the head. Is the Aero in the same camp?

    I'm not sure about the extra loft. I do know I hit it against my M2 @ 9.5 and the Aero (10.5) had a noticeably higher trojectory than the M2. Distance wise I've no clue though as my only golf simulator rotates between a soybean field and corn field year to year! 😂😂 But I do have confidence in the Aero and would have no issue gaming it if I had to.