Played my first 4 man /lady scramble tournament in the Retired Old Bastar? $ / Bitc#es. "ROB" . 39 of us geezers, most in our late 70s, quite a few 80s. Fun thing only, blind draw with one "A" player captain at least per flight . 9 under for us, not very good at all , but nice fun morning . No way in this format to tell much about any progress with my play ,but was able to use my ball , several decent drives and actually thought our team drove ball mostlt pretty well , but we had no big hitters.
Flubbed my first drive , oh no! Hit the ground, not my ball. Made up for it with a good fw strike out of deep rough with my 4 hybrid, my first shot thst the team used. Redemption !
Had a good drive on #17 to remember; it's a shot parr 4 with sharp dogleg left and has big pines blocking attempts for short cut corner drives, but a medium height oak sits right on the inside corner of the dog leg that tempts one to try to hit over, which I always try but always fail. Did it today & left ball centered in fw for all our PW approach shots. Happy, happy, happy.
My following drive on #18 was also perfect for out second shots, 55 yd. wedge to green.
Winning team had a double eagle and had couple of longer drivers.
My 5 iron played well , so happy for that . Abysmal putting , ugg.
None of the team's second shots to # 9 green made it , mine and my cart partner both flubbed into pond. I took my one alloted mulligan there & put a 147 yd 7 iron on just above the hole. The team captain almost fainted. Me too.
Thirty one bucks & it included closest to hole pot $, cart ,green fee, nice pork chops lunch with desert.