pellmell There's a lack of hip rotation. At left arm parallel the hips should be square to the target line and 30-45° open at impact.

That's pretty much all us 65+ guys

    SMT That leaf blower is kaput, and is waiting to be picked up by with the garbage tomorrow.

      rsvman2 That leaf blower is kaput, and is waiting to be picked up by with the garbage tomorrow.

      $12 shipped?🤣


      I understand age related mobility issues, which is not the major problem here. I see it with golfers of all ages and It basically comes down to bad technique.

        pellmell I understand age related mobility issues, which is not the major problem here. I see it with golfers of all ages and It basically comes down to bad teqnique

        I have both areas covered. 👍

          SMT Yellow in the front , brown in the back

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            KCee It was the 'workin' in the yard' outfit... Had just finished a couple of projects prior to hitting a few practice balls.

            Obviously I would never go to a golf course dressed like that.

            On the plus side, I didn't need Garanimals to get my clothes to match! 🤣

              rsvman2 I'm actually pretty happy with how i'm swinging it, for the most part.

              Well, keep swinging that way and go play golf and have fun. 😉😊

              You really can’t judge a swing without seeing the ball flight. The only thing you can judge is if what you’re trying to do / working on and if it’s actually happening.

              Used to play with a guy in our senior quota game that if you saw his swing you’d want to play him everyday and twice on Sundays.

              Very, very short Zorro like fast backswing. His backswing never looked like it got past parallel to the ground. But it was too fast to actually tell. He was a scratch player.

              When he was young he had a bad slice. His father was a member at Westchester Country Club in New York. The head Pro there was Harry ‘Lighthorse’ Cooper.

              Cooper is said to be the golfer who won the most PGA Tour tournaments (30) without winning a Major. Anyway, Cooper asked the father do you want me to get rid of the slice or have him learn to play it?

              He said get rid of it. The only weakness this guy had was his putting (can’t have everything lol). But a broom stick putter took care of that.


                rsvman2 Well FWIW I think you have a nice looking swing. I agree with Sneaky that it is tough to completely judge without seeing ballflight in person or on a LM.

                I play regularly with a guy that has the ugliest looking swing you've ever seen, but he generally hits the ball quite well. His chipping is also not what you would call ideal or even decent, but he makes it work and he is probably the best putter I have played with. His brother is the polar opposite. Textbook swing and nice tempo and everything looks right, but when he's off the ball is going sideways and he is one of the worst putters I've seen lol.

                My opinion everything these 'listers' post (you know who you are 🤨), then be kind and tell them 'wow, this is all great!' (because some of it is actually pretty good lol), then proceed to just go out and play, your game, whatever it is that day. 🙂


                  Lol, I made an observation, not a swing tip. There are similar documented measurable body positions achieved by all good golfers. How one attains those positions is up to them.

                  My golf swing is so screwed right now I'm trying hard to forget the 92 I just posted. 😡🤬

                    LogicalOne then proceed to just go out and play, your game, whatever it is that day.

                    I tried that today and "whatever it is" cannot be described in any language other than fabricated cuss words, like $#@-:'!!!Drhiyfra#_-'

                    sdandrea1 My golf swing is so screwed right now I'm trying hard to forget the 92 I just posted. 😡🤬

                    Just sell everything, it’s not you.

                    Oh, and update the WITB 2025 thread.