Squash. I played in college, and we had a bunch of older guys who have practice with the team. A doctor, a few business men, all former college players who were competitive with us even in their 50s. My plan was to stay in good shape and play At the high level through old age. Unfortunately, my knees didn’t get the memo and Medical school took way more time than I even guessed it would. So my competitor squash careers over by my mid 20s, And by the time I had time, my body was long shot. That’s when I started playing golf.
If not playing golf what sport would you be playing?
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Track, tennis, basketball and fast pitch softball -pitched back to back no hitters. But it took golf to help
destroy any attempt at most other sports. Torn rotators, bicep and worn joints from LD and competitive golf.
Now, just trying to enjoy being out there and nutting a shot or two.
Now that I recall.....I was very good at marbles. Only got beat in the championship match when my thumb developed a nasty blister that popped, causing me to fudge.
Shit.....what I could have been......
Nice Honda. I raced for 11 years. From beginning of April to late October. However far we had to travel. Raced in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, West Virginia.
Seen the pros many times. Went to 2 Canadian Grand Prix races. Zoar Valley, Ravenna, Ohio. Mid Ohio. Many Nationals and the Trans Am series. Have seen all the big name riders in those times. DeCoster and others.
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candukid you did trials? Those guys are amazing!
I started out in motocross, then enduros and hare scrambles, and then Observed Trials. The balance and precision appealed to me. It's much harder going slow, actually.
I was a B Class amateur and couldn't perform like the pros, but here's a taste of what the world class guys can do. 180 pound, water-cooled, 2-stroke scalpels that can climb anything.
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I was just going to post a link to some of the trials videos. They are doing things that look totally impossible. Search for X Trial. Unbelievable.