Is golf really a sport ? I guess if the IOC considers chess to be a sport so must be golf.
Whats that line from Meet the Parents
" it's just a game Focker "
Is golf really a sport ? I guess if the IOC considers chess to be a sport so must be golf.
Whats that line from Meet the Parents
" it's just a game Focker "
I'd probably still be playing racquetball.
Played at a pretty high level back in my 20's and 30's against some of the best
players in SoCal, which was the mecca of R-Ball at one time.
Pickleball is pretty fun too,just much slower.
Not sure what else I would play now. Played many sports as a kid, but was really only good at baseball, but I didn't love the game. I used to play softball, basketball and volleyball until I was about 45.
I didn't really appreciate golf until I hit about 40 (started playing at 30) and my ankles were shot and anything involving a lot of running and jumping was becoming very painful. I've pretty much only played golf the last 10+ years. Some sort of winter sport or activity would be nice, but I hate the cold so I haven't even been skiing in 10+ years either.
Bravopilot they do, then again, some on the pha look serious about golf. Even the ones who can't win a major (i.e. Rory).
Still playing hockey. And keeping up with grandkids, which sometimes is rougher and more of a workout.
Played sports year round as a kid, baseball and basketball mostly, a few years of football followed by a few years of soccer (talk about a difficult sport to pick up for someone who never touched a soccer ball until 10th grade). Had many accomplishments growing up ran fast, through the ball hard, and could pretty much do it all. After HS I gave up competitive sports, but played rec league basketball, softball, and some sand volleyball (a few years in my 20s playing 2 vs 2...need to be in shape to do this sport = grueling). Finally gave up on all of that mid/late 30's and got into golf. I quite enjoy all aspects of golf and wished I knew now what I didn't then and would have loved being an architect/designer!
I was a competitive swimmer from age 8 through HS and then undergrad college. By the time I graduated, I never wanted to see another pool unless I'm tossing the grandkids around or sipping a margarita.
When I was a teenager I played hockey, tennis and racquetball, then in my twenties I discovered broomball (sort of a combination of hockey but played with shoes on ice with the pace of soccer). I'm now in my 60's so I don't play anymore, but I've been a referee for over 30 years and will probably continue to do so until I can't run anymore. It's a great winter sport, and combined with golf in the summer it keeps me active and in "reasonable" shape. Probably a big reason why I can still walk 18 holes all the time.
I played baseball up until I quit college. Played a shitload of hoops until a knee injury, in 1997, iirc. Played a ton of softball until '06, then strictly golf, until another knee injury in '18. Now I just work and sit at home. Nothing, nada, zero, zilch. Hell, I don't even drank any more (3 months). Just waiting to cash in my chips, I reckon.
Pro Motocross. No other sport like it where everyone goes to the first turn at once. Not like pussy sports were they put the fastest drivers/riders up front.
Good old days....
I think I miss the Trials bikes most of all.
My Maico hauler: