Nope. No bs whatsoever. It's one of the things that (imo) has allowed our marriage to work over the years - our independence as it relates to personal recreational enjoyments.
She played collegiate tennis back in the mid-late 80's at West Point, and has always had a sports-driven background in her spare time. She never got into golf because she knew it would require a fairly serious commitment and her career hasn't provided her the free time to devote to it... but she would, imo, be a very good golfer. I've taken her to the range on numerous occasions and as far as her golf swing - she's a natural. The putting and short game - not so much... but again, we're now talking about feel and nuance instead of natural athleticism, which requires a different level of commitment above and beyond the full-swing aspects. And she understands this... And she's never once showed an interest beyond perhaps hitting balls at the range, because she's very much a type-A person and would never embark upon any pastime that she felt she couldn't devote 100% of her attention to. Unfortunately (fortunately for me!) she is so wrapped up in climbing the corporate ladder in her career that she understands she wouldn't have enough spare time to be a complete, competitive player, so she's not interested.
But that doesn't stop her from supporting my extracurricular activities in golf.... in fact - when I lost in the finals of our club championship last summer - she took it much harder than I did! LOL!
She's a keeper. She works out and runs marathons, or the occasional 5k race here locally. She just recently joined a running club back over the winter. She has a race coming up here in about a month and she's training for it in her spare time, and I can't help but be supportive, especially considering all of the support she's offered me in golf (or whatever) over the years.
Of course, we are talking about a woman who donated a kidney to a virtual stranger (her beautician's husband) several years ago, and then (after her recovery period) started training for a marathon in Scranton, PA shortly thereafter. She wasn't pleased with her result in that race but finished in under 4 hours nevertheless. She's run several marathons over the years and just understands the importance of having an active, healthy hobby that provides a much-needed distraction/stress-release from the day-to-day rigamarole.
Like I said - I hit the lottery. 😉