Somebody please put some C4 in his tunnel?

Spuzz Willie doesn't look so good, needs some sun? Are there holes in that thing?? Where is PETA when you need them?😎 Willie is all alone on this prediction, Shubenacadie Sam of Nova Scotia, Fred la marmotte and Lucy the Lobster all think like Phil.

Had to look this up. Why does Canada have 4 animals predicting winter/spring and the US only 1? 😂🙃

    Spuzz Wiarton Willie said early spring for us.

    I'm going with Wiarton Willie 👍

    Bravopilot Shubenacadie Sam of Nova Scotia, Fred la marmotte and Lucy the Lobster all think like Phil.

    Those guys are full of groundhog shit........

    Bravopilot Why does Canada have 4 animals predicting winter/spring and the US only 1

    They want to use analytics to get stats......

    First off Willie is a rare Albino hog.
    Second, our country is so much fucking bigger than yours that we have different seasonal areas. That maritime lobster lives under the water so what the feck do I care. Shubanectomy Sam? Can’t even spell it and it sounds like some horrible disease. The Quebec one, well, he’s french so he doesn’t count. The Manitoba one is a fecking hand puppet golf headcover and the other one is a guy dressed up as a hog.
    Willie is the ONLY true prognosticator. The rest are shams. Do I make myself clear?😂
    Phil is another pretender. Although the movie was great.

      candukid LOL. The difference in size between Canada and the US is almost small enough to be a rounding error... Canada at 3.85 million square miles and the US at 3.78 million. Hardly 'so much f'ing bigger.'

      Could probably make the argument that the US likely has more in the way of regional weather pattern differences than does Canada, too.

      Bravopilot Why does Canada have 4 animals predicting winter/spring and the US only 1? 😂🙃

      We have 4 seasons at any given time across the country.

      candukid Very funny sir.😂 Apparently there is some sensitivity among my north friends about Winter/spring forecast. Crystal clear here.

      Historically Phil doesn't have a strong record of being accurate (about 35% of the time). Which is about the same as the local weatherman. He just doesn't have the nice graphics.