I had the ST-1 and liked it a lot........... until it broke.

    azgreg details.....was it as long/forgiving as anything else? Feel, sound? Trajectory? Thanks


      I had a 9° paired with a AXE Tour 6+ stiff. I'd call it medium low trajectory. Very muted sound which I liked very much. It was as forgiving as anything I've hit and as long or longer than anything I've hit.

      • Nat replied to this.

        azgreg thank you. You've echoed what everyone has said. I've grown tired of finding a good head/shaft combo OEM.

          My current gamer is an ACER XS head with this shaft. It's a nice combo. Muted sound and feel. Long enough and forgiving and straight. I have the same 5W and shaft in the bag too. I have also put this shaft in a Cobra driver head that is a winner too. Real deal at a killer price.


          image /assets/images/0-18-dWjbTKJvChGKZXYq.jpg

            Will be curious on your thoughts if you do get one.....its on the short list....the STw is very good and has a solid feel and muted sound.


            I'm cutting shafts down tonight for the F6 and GBB I have. 44" for the F6 and 44.5 for the GBB. Hoping the increased accuracy comes with it!