Par4QC Here, you could get on damn near any course like that +- 15 minutes as long as it didn't run into their leagues.
We don't want to admit it, but golf is dying in a big way. That is to say that it is going back to pre-Tiger status. There isn't much excitement for the younger crowd around the game and courses are having to work to get people in. During the boom, courses were built and people just showed up and paid what they asked. Not the case anymore. The sport will survive, but it won't thrive. After the guys in their 30's move through, there will be a helluva fall off and a lot more problems for courses to stay open. Obviously, that's a ways away, but the boomers aren't going to live forever and that will be another bubble popped before the next cliff.
When Nike moves out of the equipment game and others come and go like the wind, there is a serious issue. Nike was the young gun brand... problem is there aren't enough young guys interested in the game to buy it.