PA-PLAYA Two lane roundabouts are a major design flaw imo

Yep. Ya gotta change lanes IN the rotary to get off at 2nd, 3rd, 4th exit. One lane makes the most sense to me.


    Seen too many knuckleheads in the left lane cutting drivers off in the right lane to exit. Seen a few accidents as a result.

    No. You do not change lanes. You look at the lane designations BEFORE you enter thr roundabout. We have tons of them up here. Really quite easy if you do it correctly...

      candukid We have rotary’s here too. Never any lanes, everyone just made it through. A while back some brainiac in the state decided to paint lanes🙄. They made such a mess out of it with solid lines and dotted lanes, lanes that disappeared etc…. The news stations had a field day going up in the helicopter and having sky pics of the rotary’s because you couldn’t get here and there, the disappearing lanes, the wrong things painted on the road within the lanes. Complete joke. They haven’t repainted them…just wearing away.


        I spent a month in Hong Kong and Singapore in 1985 for work. Used taxi cabs to get around. There's no apparent reason why lanes were painted on the roads. Drivers just made their own lanes. It was comical.

        If I get an envelope in the mail that says "Important Tax Documents enclosed" and I've already filed and received my refund, can I legally go find the sender and pummell them?

          I don't understand how so many people fall victim to phishing/scam texts and emails. I mean, how many years have these sons of bitches been actively trying to scam people?

          I know that I don't have Norton Antivirus software. And I'm pretty sure even if I did, the email I receive from them would be written with proper grammar.

          And according to +44 8000 4328 - I owe the Pennsylvania turnpike $274.

          Blow me!

            And according to +44 8000 4328 - I owe the Pennsylvania turnpike $274.

            I owe the same amount but to a different phone number...Who would have thunk it???

            sdandrea1 Turns out I might just be in a big fucking hurry.

            No, you are an old fart like me. Could be you just have to take a leak really bad. I agree with everything you posted. My fav is sitting at a red light in traffic then the light turns green. The asshole in front of you sits there fucking with their phone totally oblivious to the light and you have to honk at them. They then look in the mirror then flip you off then drive on just as the light turns red leaving you stopped again. Or you blow through the red light and get tagged with a $189 ticket for the red light. Grrr.....