azgreg Maybe just part of the deny, deny process they use? Over the last 2 years I have had to deal with my health insurance so much that I think I finally need some medication myself.

    Maybe some of the plastic particles being found floating around in humans are due to all the medication capsules that they’re being instructed to consume.

    azgreg Maybe one of the preparations is more expensive than the other? Or perhaps they have supply-side issues with one?

      KCee My wife worked for doctors all her life. She did the medical billings and dealt with insurance companies + Medicare/Medicaid. She said it is rare that any of them will pay on the 1st billing...always deny. But she kept resending and they would end up paying. Eventually.
      Just a bunch of damned assholes, that try to cheat the public out of their money. Yet they raise rates significantly, every 1/1.
      Stockholders are always more important than sick/injured/disabled people.

      But, do check policies for any exclusions you did agree to.😉

      azgreg If you don't know you're supposed to rattle off some conspiracy theory bullshit.

      I think if you find out the answer to tablets vs capsules, you'll know how Gene Hackman and Mrs. REALLY died

        sdandrea1 Well, they say....the investigation is still ongoing. This may be why.

        Or maybe because the door was open. 🤔Hard to say without more details.

          azgreg Maybe one of the preparations is more expensive than the other? Or perhaps they have supply-side issues with one?

          My knees and my knuckles don't really like to get under cars and work anymore. They are nagging me continuously right now for taking the initiative to indulge in physical labor.

          PA-PLAYA Two lane roundabouts are a major design flaw imo

          Yep. Ya gotta change lanes IN the rotary to get off at 2nd, 3rd, 4th exit. One lane makes the most sense to me.


            Seen too many knuckleheads in the left lane cutting drivers off in the right lane to exit. Seen a few accidents as a result.