Venders often bring in goodies. The company gets cupcakes every month to celebrate employees who have birthdays that month (from teh grocery store). The point is they put out a company wide email when the goodies are in and I'm the only one who doesn't work in the building yet I'm still on teh email list.
The Complaint Thread
I drink gin and sprite during virtual meetings
azgreg Be careful with that stuff. My wife was on it and her idiot doc prescribed too high a dose. She wound up in the ER getting several IV bags of fluid to flush it out. It was literally breaking down the muscle in her body. Her 2nd opinion doc said she should have never even been on a statin.
Am I the only one here that is not on drugs?
My PSA makes all yours look like a GPA for high school.
And it went down .8 the past year.
Walterjn Would not have a job is that was true. Although no Golden Flow test in some time.
Cannabis, just trying to shut off my brain.
Sativa for the days, indica before bed.