• Equipment
  • Odyssey DFX putters and other options

Callaway is has relaunched some of the DFX putters a few years ago as a lower priced offering. I liked them when they first came out. I might be wrong, but I thought they were marketed as a firmer feeling face. I see on some pages info to the contrary. So what's the deal?

I'm also toying with the idea of picking up a milled face mallet. I do have some Amazon points to spend. Rife still has some not too pricey options out there. Does anyone have any experience with some of their more budget offerings?
This is what happens when I can't play golf and get bored! 🙄

    The original DFX inserts were on the firmer side - if I remember correctly, Callaway/Odyssey received feedback from some players that the White Hot insert was too soft, so they provided a firmer option. As you say, though, that doesn't seem to be the case with the current versions - Callaway's description is 'our softest insert technology ever'...

    I don't know much about Rife putters, but a couple of other options to consider at the lower-priced end of the market are Wilson and Cleveland - both have milled face offerings in a variety of head shapes (Wilson Infinite, and there have been several Cleveland Huntington Beach series of putters) that get pretty good reviews. I've used putters from both brands (a few rounds with a Wilson Infinite West Loop, and had a Huntington Beach Soft 11 in my bag for several months), and was pretty happy with the feel and performance.

      MartinD lower-priced end of the market are Wilson and Cleveland - both have milled face offerings in a variety of head shapes

      Couldn’t agree more…definitely underrated on both counts

      HB SOFT Milled 11S is my current gamer…

      Par4QC I like the double wide, not sure I would love the insert today. The old insert 💯


        Possible cheaper option could be the Maltby Moment X tour line. I’ve got the tour red putter and it’s pretty large but not as big as the Maltby Moment. No insert on these heads and a very nice milled face.



        I bought my head only here for less then dealer price at golfworks

          Rife's stuff is nice. I agree, too, that the Cleveland milled putters are criminally underrated.
          But if you want a firmer Odyssey putter, find one of the old Rossies with the black insert. That old thing is fire. I don't know that they have made any better putter since then. You might have to pry one from somebody's cold, dead hand, though; a lot of guys want to hang onto it if they have it.

          backinit I've had a few of their newest products, driver head, fw head, VIP irons(still have a brand new set). All very nice, very good quality & performances.
          I've got 1 of their bags in the cart right now.

          FYI, use coupon codes. MACG10 works for the putters.😉

          backinit I don't knlw anything about the newer MacGregor putters, but I am currently gaming one of their older ones. Nothing has been able to knock it out of the bag. I think I have been playing it for at least 14 years.

            I will give another shout out to the Cleveland HB series. Best value in putters going IMO. I'm still playing the Soft Premier 8. My eye strays but I haven't switched because deep down I know I've been rolling it so well with this one I'd be a fool to mess with it.

            backinit The MacGregor putters that most seem to like were done by consultant to MacGregor Bobby Grace.

            The DCT series which Ping copied for a time and the V-Foil. As far as any new high MoI putters I don't see much difference between them and the V-Foil. In fact, Greg Chalmers used to always use a V-Foil and his putting stats. are always right up there.

            My M5K V-Foil.

              scotts33 I think they were basically MacGregor copies of the Amazing Grace. My favorites were the center shaft version of yours and the GT. Tough to find one today in good shape.

                4 days later

                I did get a chance to roll a few putts with the Cleveland offerings. Loved the grips that Cleveland is using now. These are really nice offerings.