ode Can't you old farts get those big glasses,,,you know those ones ones that look like the Samsung vr thingamajig, so you can see the ball in flight.
FauxAmish ode 🤞😎, Could, but then we would have to see the comments better. And I'm willing to bet that Jamez is younger than you.
Typhoon ode Can't you old farts get those big glasses,,,you know those ones ones that look like the Samsung vr thingamajig, so you can see the ball in flight. Unlike The "Morty Seinfeld" glasses...
Typhoon LBlack14 I wonder if I still have any downstairs... I thought they were more like rubber but its been a long time since I used one.
jamez LBlack14 I hear those balls can play hell on todays drivers? I've heard that too. but, who knows...
Typhoon Typhoon Found an unopened package...put it under my Throwback Tuesday thread along with another goodie
Orlimar1 FauxAmish We always turned the balls so the sticks were in line with the face of the club so the stick didn't shoot out. 😉
FauxAmish Orlimar1 So did we my friend ... back then, some of Us hit the ball harder than others. 😜 Let's play this Summer?
Sparky Must be an LA thing. I'm a sunrise player in OC and San Diego and I've never heard of the pre-sunrise crowd.
FauxAmish LBlack14 You concentrate on getting better. OK ... There is plenty of time ti -ll we all can watch this in action. And hopefully with as great a follow-thru. http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u499/xbanker1/Desert%20Storm%20XIII/The%20Fort%202011/107%20Custom_zpsw6zv7a7n.jpg