sdandrea1 azgreg How do we change the title of a thread? Since you're the owner, go up to the OP and click on the 3 vertical dots. You should see a RENAME option.
johnnydoom azgreg It just let me change mine. Did you go to the 3 dots that pop up next to the thread entry count when you hover over the name?
rsvman2 azgreg Looks like somebody cut one of the Rs out of his first name and forgot to paste it back.
Moeman backinit Seen him 40+ years ago in a small theatre. Good show, 2 hits and a lot of other good songs. RIP
sdandrea1 backinit Still have a CD...used to play the Breakup Song in a band. Same here "Uh,uh,uh....uh,uh,uh,uh,uh". 😎
rynobucket sdandrea1 I know I'm digging up a 20 day old post, but Leslie West passed away close to four years ago.
PA-PLAYA rynobucket Yeah. There are a couple of names mentioned here that have been gone for a while. Larry Tesler was one of them also who passed away back in 2020.
azgreg PA-PLAYA I posted it because of the copy and I got a pretty good laugh out of it. Especially the copy of the misspelling.