Walterjn Looks like we lost Chi-Chi...
Eguller I still remember what he called the 'mouse' & 'the bear' battle in a major championship. RIP Chi Chi. He could really move the old balata ball around. 🏌
rsvman2 azgreg Looks like somebody cut one of the Rs out of his first name and forgot to paste it back.
sdandrea1 azgreg How do we change the title of a thread? Since you're the owner, go up to the OP and click on the 3 vertical dots. You should see a RENAME option.
johnnydoom azgreg It just let me change mine. Did you go to the 3 dots that pop up next to the thread entry count when you hover over the name?
Moeman backinit Seen him 40+ years ago in a small theatre. Good show, 2 hits and a lot of other good songs. RIP