kenner symptoms started about 5 yrs ago. Small quick, sniper pains, that if they lasted any more than split second, would've taken me down. The past year or 2 just progressively got worse, but I always attributed it to my back issues more than a hip issue. Then my last round of golf, 1st week of October, I'd had enough. Had xrays and both my PC Doc and the Orthopedic guy said my xrays were "beautiful" and there was no 2nd guessing. Both said they were surprised I lasted as long as I did. Bone on bone and a part that causes it to catch/lock. Everytime I stand I have to wait for it to click/pop into position. Been limping around for over a year and here I am. Believe me, I've downed more than my share of pain meds over these years. My back issues started 7 yrs ago.