d5n03 I keep getting close to just buying the 21 to try as a 7 wood, but it doesn't look quite right....although GW pics are not always very good....and then I keep hear a real 7 wood is coming so I hold off. I have demoed used Cally Super Hybrid clubs at a local place and hit them well though so maybe I am missing out.

    ode I asked that question of them when the head was released. Could be great mini driver head at 16-17, also for long par 5s

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      I also can’t find any info on an adjustable fairway wood from Golfworks……….

        Cutter66 I think they missed the boat on the design.......something more like the Callaway UW or Wishon 775HS.....maybe right in between one of those and the HyWay would have been the ticket. I like taller face height ✅, but it's so broad for the loft....I dunno how usable it is when the ball is sitting down in the rough. The concept of the .335 hybrid has merit, I hope they have a 2nd release and make it a little more sleek.

        I'd be all in a mini.....a true mini, if they decided to do it, but their drivers and woods are just meh.....so it would be a wait and see sorta thing!

        KCee I agree with you - the HyWay doesn’t quite look right. I got over the looks of it & put it in play. It works well for me. Don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to the sound.

        a month later

        A pretty good deal on the adjustable fairway wood pack with the maltby shaft. Anyone have any feedback on the shaft?

          backinit the maltby shaft. Anyone have any feedback on the shaft?

          I've never tried one, but on the Ralph Maltby site, the consensus of opinion (including Britt) seems to be that they play a little "stiff to flex."

          I know the opinion for the iron shafts is that they place stiff to flex but I’m not sure if most people feel the same about the woods. I’ve never played them so I can’t offer an opinion.

            Taki27 I think it's the same....the Pro DR shaft def is stiff to flex. Stiff driver could handle all I have to give it.


            Plays stiff IMO. If you were doing the 5 wood and the trim instructions call for 1/2” tipping you could go with zero tipping and it might work out great. Instead of going down a flex.

            Keep in mind they’ve made these heads very light.

              colej I was thinking a regular tipped a hair extra. So maybe a heavier weight?


                Definitely a heavier weight. You might even add some hot melt, yarn, or club head tac. I like my fairways around d4 with a 70-75 gram shaft