Recent reminiscing by a few of us about the "Top Flite Tour OMG" thread and the unfortunate passing of Steve Almo got me thinking about the old FGI days. Let's share fond or funny memories from those days. Also, "what ever happened to ...." would be good to bring up as well. If your memory isn't complete, the rest of us can try to fill in the blanks like when we eventually remembered "Mantan" as the OP of the OMG thread. I'll go first:

Steve Almo catching flak from FGIers when he announced he named his next head the "Little Bastard." I always enjoyed his sense of humor. My fantasy football team name is Little Bastards.

What ever happened to CoachSB?

    MidwayJ What ever happened to CoachSB?

    Not sure. He was part of our winning Paws & Balls Scramble team ( Team 1/2 Azz) at Bryant’s annual event. 🤔

    MidwayJ Steve Almo catching flak from FGIers

    Two Almo stories for ya. First one is directly related to the above quote.
    After he took flak and also maybe was censored (in his opinion) by Ramers, he started up his own forum (Golf Discussions, IIRC) so he could do and say what he wanted.
    At that time, he and I used to go back and forth regarding his "designs" (FAS System on the Bang for example and the Worf Ridges on the FS1) so of course, I joined up there to "discreetly" jab him and his followers as I had been known to do (especially RickB-see story 2).
    I joined with the user name= zzups. It wasn't long after that that Almo messaged me in all CAPS with a simple one liner- "YOU CAN"T HIDE FROM ME. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!"
    One late Friday night, he was online and likely bored, so he decided to do a FS1 driver head giveaway. Naturally, the format was music trivia (hard and obscure questions) and the first person to post the 7ish correct answers won the head. I was not interested in participating until I saw RickB was in on it, and close to winning. I knew all but one answer and same with him but not for the same question. I waited with pre-post (with all my correct answers) until Rick answered the one I had no clue on. I typed it in, pressed post and lo and behold, I won. It was good to fuck Rick over as he was a dillhole. Credit to Almo, as he sent me the head at no cost. I ended up giving the head to candukid, as he was, and still is, a Geek minion.

      1. OEM vs Components, "They're all components to me"
      2. The first time I offered $12 shipped.


        Spuzz Great stuff! I remember another thread where Almo talked about techniques he had used for selling, and some members got bent out of shape saying he took advantage of people and therefore he was a horrible person, lol.

        I remember Golfdiscussions now. I joined but wasn't very active there. RickB, another blast from the past, lol. There's a guy on a car forum I participate in with an "online personality" exactly like his: emphatic, know-it-all statements, confrontational questions, etc. Name isn't Rick, though.

        Who was the guy in Arizona who loved the Apollo Hump shafts and Ping irons? Jeff @Spuzz I think you crashed at his place at one of the Desert Storm events. 🙂


          When I joined up there was a pretty active SoCal crew here and on GEA. DrSpin, RalphMagnus, TonyLee are a few I remember. When Mr. 4GEA Derrick made a trip to SoCal, we actually had a group of 12 meet up to play out here. Ended up being a day with 50 mph winds. Somebody brought out some brand new stuff from Wishon, the 550c forged irons. I was HOOKED!

          That group got together a couple of times after that, but most of them disappeared within a year.

            Sparky I joined GEA about the same time as FGI but wasn't nearly as active. Your post reminds me one time I was browsing GEA and somebody posted a thread about FGI. Can't remember if it was the thread title or in the first post but it said, "They're calling us a$$holes over on FGI." I laughed and had to immediately go find what they were talking about. I don't recall the context, though.


            mack (brian)
            I stayed at his place 3 times. Awesome guy and awesome family too.
            He is an engineer type.Semiconductors.
            He also was ahead of the times with spine finding and shaft profiling.
            He also had a huge topic at fgi on centripedal forces and the golf swing. Genius stuff.

              Spuzz Yeah I enjoyed his posts. I remember him posting a story about people staying at his place. It involved severe drunkenness. 🙂

                CoachSB was a teacher and later social worker in Indiana, CPS if memory serves me correctly. I think he was one of the moderators that got caught with their pants down when their private forum/messages meant for moderators only went public and some disparaging commentary re other members was in those messages. I don't think it was long after that he flew the coup.....someone will have to fill in the blanks, but that is how I remember it.

                Do you all remember the holiday sales at Goldsmith where things were like 40-50% off.....was that a black Friday thing🤔.....and one year Golfworks also followed suit😳

                  ode Yeah I remembered the incident about the moderator private messages after I posted. I never actually saw any of them. Just heard about it later.

                  ode Do you all remember the holiday sales at Goldsmith where things were like 40-50% off.

                  Friends and family sale. I remember some used to bash it because they excluded or had much smaller discounts on OEM clubs. (The OEMs wouldn't allow it.) Great deals on components and supplies, though.

                  Rickochet I think he ran off with Kosovogolfer who wanted to marry him.


                  ode I think he was one of the moderators that got caught with their pants down when their private forum/messages meant for moderators only went public and some disparaging commentary re other members was in those messages.

                  That was a hoot!
                  CoachSB was Chris. He has an autistic son and over time, needing to learn more to best love and meet his son's needs, he just naturally followed a path to work in human services. We used to correspond years and years ago.

                    professor CoachSB was Chris.

                    He is Steve Bowers from Carmel, IN. He used to host the Hoosier Daddy Open every year for FGI bud. Lots of fun at his home course north of Indy at Cool Lake.